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sow [saʊ] n
gen. свиня f (з поросятами); свиноматка; засіювати; засіяти; посіяти; підсівати (in addition); підсіювати (in addition); підсіяти (in addition); розсівати; розсіяти
met. козел m; свинка f (тж. чушка)
tech. охолодь
sow [səʊ] v
gen. сіяти; висівати; засівати; поширювати; насаджувати; сіяти насіння
dipl., fig. розповсюджувати
fig. сіяти (засівати)
 English thesaurus
sow [sau] abbr.
abbr. sown
abbr., oil socket weld
SOW [sau] abbr.
abbr. Scope Of Work; Soldier Of War; square wave
abbr., avia. Show Low, Arizona; Statement of Work (A SOW is the part of the contract that defines the work necessary to complete the contractual task. geseb); start of work; strike off wastage
abbr., el. start of word; system output writer
abbr., inet. Simplicity Of Web
abbr., law statement of work (Statement of Work A document primarily for use in procurement, which specifies the work requirements for a project or program. It is used in conjunction with specifications and standards as a basis for a contract. The SOW will be used to determine whether the contractor meets stated performance requirements. Found on http://www.encyclo.co.uk/visitor-contrib Alexander Demidov)
abbr., market. statement of work (formal document that captures and defines the work activities, deliverables and timeline of works for a client EvgeniyaLapa)
abbr., mil. Soldiers Of War; Statement Of Work
abbr., mil., WMD contract's statement of work; OP scope of work
abbr., O&G, oilfield. Slack-off weight (Leenx)
abbr., oil slip-on and weld (wellhead)
abbr., relig. Soul Orphans And Widow; Sowing Of The Word; Spirit Of the Wolf
abbr., scottish Stand-Off Weapon
abbr., space space offensive weapons; special operation wing; stand off weapon
abbr., tradem. Sirius Onion Works
comp. statement-of-work
IT speaking of which
mil. special operations wing; standoff weapon
oil scope оf work
: 82 phrases in 8 subjects
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