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smart [smɑ:t] n
gen. пекучий біль; гострий біль; витонченість (стилю, мови); жвавість (стилю, мови); з шиком; біль m (пекучий); заболіти; постраждати (for); саднити
IT з розвиненою логікою
smart [smɑ:t] v
gen. завдавати гострого болю; боліти; зазнавати гострого болю; щипати; завдавати страждання; примушувати страждати; страждати; завдавати болю
smart [smɑ:t] adj.
gen. різкий (про біль); сильний; суворий; міцний (про вино тощо); уїдливий (про слова); ущипливий (про слова); гострий (про біль); пекучий (про біль); чіткий; швидкий; енергійний; проворний; меткий; спритний (кмітливий); моторний; тямущий; кмітливий; здібний; розумний; хитрий; вправний; шахраюватий; дотепний; винахідливий; охайний; чепурний; нарядний; витончений; елегантний; модний (нарядний); фешенебельний; бравий; молодецький; підтягнутий (про вигляд); бадьористий; зібраний (підтягнений, охайний); підтягнений; підібраний (про вигляд людини); франтівський; чепуристий; шикарний; шустрий
amer., inf. значний; досить великий
comp. інтелектуальний (про периферійний пристрій)
econ. чутливий; різкий
IT витончений (напр., про програму); інтелектуальний
mil. сильний (про удар, біль); суворий (про покарання); спритний; модний
 English thesaurus
SMART [smɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. Sales Marketing Administration Research Tracking; Save Money And Reduce Trash; Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research And Teaching; Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique; Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive, And Transparent; Simulation And Modeling For Acquisition Requirements And Training; Small Missions For Advanced Research And Technology; Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic And Timely; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, And Timely; Strengthening The Mid Atlantic Region For Tomorrow; Satellite Multimedia Applications Research And Trials; Save Money And Reduce Taxes; Science, Math, And Related Technologies; Securable Manageable Archivable Retrievable And Transferable; Securities Markets' Automated Regulated Trading; Self Modifying Ability Reactive Training; Self Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Tool; Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (HDD, IDE, Conner, IBM, Quantum, Seagate, WD); Send the Mexicans Across the River Today; Sensors Mounted As Roving Threads; Servers And Managers Alcohol Responsibility Training; Serving Meals At The Right Time; Sexually Molested And Raped Twice; Shared Memory Application Replaying Tool; Shared Multimedia Access To Resources For Teaching; Simple Multipurpose Automation And Reporting Tools; Smaller Modules Are Readily Transportable; Special Military Active Retired Travelers; Special Multimedia Arenas For Refining Thinking; Specific Measurable Acceptable Realistic And Timely; Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant And Trackable; Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Responsive, And Transparent; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound (Interex); Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, Time-boned (Interex); Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, And Timely; Sport Music And Real Talk; State and Metropolitan Analyses of Regional Transportation; Stereoscopic Mapping And Rescaling Technology; Stop More Alcohol Related Tragedies; Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (в Малайзии dragonfly_89); Strategic Management Analysis Requirements And Technology; Streamlined Management And Accountable Resources For Teachers; Student And Merchant Achievement Recognition Team; Student Mentors Advising Rising Talent; Student Mentors Assisting Receptive Teachers; Student Missionary Apprentice Reality Training; Students Of Missouri Assisting Rural Transportation; Studies For Manchester Area Residents And Tourists; Suburban Mobility Authority For Regional Transportation; Successful Motivation And Reward Training; Suggestive Match And Research Technology; Salton's Magical Automatic Retriever of Texts; Super Math And Reading Time; Systematic Mortgage Amortization Reduction Technology
abbr., adv. Stop Advertising Alcohol on Radio and Television
abbr., avia. selected methods for attacking the right target; shortage management and record tracking; simulation, monitoring, analysis, reduction and test system; small mission on advanced research technology; space maintenance and repair techniques; standard modular avionics report and test; system for the mechanical analysis and retrieval of test; system management analysis, research and test; system monitor and review technique; System Maintenance, Administration and Reconfiguration Terminal
abbr., avia., med. skills maintenance and reacquisition training
abbr., comp., IT Sensible Multilateral American Response To Terrorism
abbr., ed. Science Math And Reading Tutoring; Self Management And Recovery Training; Start Making A Reader Today
abbr., ed., scient. Science Math And Relevant Technology; Student Mentor Academic Research Teams
abbr., el. scheduling management and allocating resource technique; seH-monitoring analysis and reporting technology; semiconductor micro-analysis review tool; software maintenance and automated reporting tool; software metering and resource tracking; standard module avionic repair and test; stress marginality and accelerated reliability testing; supermarket allocation and recorder technique; Surface Mounting and Reflow Technology Conference; Symantec Millennium Anti-Virus Response Team; system monitor and remote tuner; self-monitoring analysis and reporting
abbr., IT Self - Monitoring, Analysis, And Reporting Technology; Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology
abbr., lab.eq. Senior Medication Assessment Research Trial
abbr., law Speed Monitoring Awareness Radar Trailer
abbr., med. Semi-automated Anatomic Reporting of Trajectories; Subconscious Motivation And Accelerated Reprogramming Techniques
abbr., mil. Self Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology; Self Monitoring And Reporting Technology; special medical augmentation response team
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite maintenance and repair technique
abbr., O&G, sakh. Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-based
abbr., org.name. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound; Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions
abbr., physiol. Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation Technique; Serving Meals At the Right Time
abbr., physiol., med. Sensitive Membrane Antigen Rapid Test; Sensory Modality Assessment And Rehabilitation Technique
abbr., progr. S.M.A.R.T (ssn); self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool
abbr., scottish Sensor Fuzed Munition for Artillery; Signaal Multi-beam Acquisition Radar for Targeting (Netherlands); Small Arms Trainer; Spurt Message Alphanumeric Radio Terminal; Strategic Multi-role Aid & Replenishment Transport vessel (Canada); Susceptibility Model Assessment & Range Test
abbr., transp. Stormwater Management And Road Tunnel; Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation
energ.ind. system malfunction analysis trainer; System of Measurement and Reporting for Technologies; system of measuring and attaining the required target
IT Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely, generally used to describe appropriately set goals
mil. scheduled maintenance and reliability team; sensor-fuzed munitions for artillery; small arms training; supersonic missile and rocket track; supply and maintenance assessment and review team; systems management analysis, research, and testing
tech. senior management assessment of readiness team; shipborne multibeam acquisition radar for targeting; Signaal multibeam acquisition radar for targeting; system of measuring and attaining refining target
SMARTS abbr.
abbr., avia. sheet metal analysis and retrieval system
abbr., fin. Securities Markets Automated Research Training & Surveillance
abbr., health., med. Safety Manuals Application Readings Talk And Symptoms
abbr., mil., avia. Signaal multi-beam acquisition radar for targeting, S-band
abbr., securit. Securities Market Automated Research, Training & Surveillance System
abbr., space status memory and real-time system
abbr., st.exch. Securities Market Automated Research Training And Surveillance
mil. standard missile automated rework test system
tech. selective multiple address radio and television system
SMART [smɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. Specific Mandate Alternative Regulatory Test (Vadim Rouminsky); space maintenance, repair and techniques; supersonic military air research track
abbr., avia. standard modular avionics repair and test
abbr., earth.sc. schedule management and allocating resources technique; Sobolev Modified Approximate Radiative Transfer Method; system for management and allocation of resources technique
abbr., space Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology
SMART criteria [smɑ:t] abbr.
abbr., busin. Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Time-related (criteria to guide in the setting of objectives in project management Val_Ships)
: 120 phrases in 19 subjects
American usage, not spelling5
Information security and data protection2
Information technology7