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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
scope [skəup] n
gen. межі; рамки; масштаб m; розмах; сфера f; поле f (діяльності); можливість (дій); простір (свобода, роздолля); свобода f (дій); кінцева мета; задум m; основна ідея; мікроскоп (microscope); телескоп (telescope); електронно-променевий осцилограф; коло n; круговид; обсяг m
avia. діапазон; індикатор (напр. РЛС)
comp. область видимості
comp., MS масштаб m (In a multicast transmission, the reach of a stream. The scope of a multicast transmission can be set to reach either an immediate subnetwork only or the entire Internet); область f (The range and depth of a search on a portal site, desktop or other)
dipl. кордони m; мірило n; об'єм m; сфера f (діяльності)
econ. масштаб m; кругозір; розмах; охоплення; можливості; границі
fin. опис проекту
h.rghts.act. рамця f
IT контекст m; область дії; окіл; простір; сфера дії
law межа; межі чинності; сфера f (дії, компетенції, юрисдикції тощо); сфера застосування
logist. сфера діяльності; межі (діяльності)
microel. мікроскоп; осцилограф
mil. кордон m (масштаб); екран електронно-променевої трубки; оптична труба
mil., inf. оптичний приціл; телескопічний приціл; візирна оптична трубка
nautic. довжина випущеного якірного ланцюга
O&G розмір m; довжина f
Scope [skəup] n
comp., MS Область застосування (In the Business Rules editor, the UI string that refers to whether the business rule applies to all forms or is specific to one form)
 English thesaurus
scope [skəup] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. microscope
SCOPE [skəup] abbr.
abbr. Simulations Of Coastal Ocean Physics And Ecosystems; Supply Chain Optimization Planning And Execution; oscilloscope; SCalable Object Processing Environment (Creamware); Scholarship Communications Outreach Performance And Environment; Simple COmmunications Programming Environment (DFUE); Special Children's Organization For Parents And Educators; Stamford Central Organization Of Parents And Educators; Student Committee On Popular Entertainment; Students Choices And Opportunities For Positive Education; Supervisory Control Of Program Execution (OS, CDC 6000); Support Children's Opportunity For Parochial Education; Systematic Controls Oversight And Policy Evaluation; system for coordination of peripheral equipments
abbr., anim.husb. Scientific Committee on the Problems of the Environment
abbr., avia. schedule cost performance
abbr., el. simple communications programming environment; sequential customer order processing, electronically; simultaneous contact and planarization etch process; spacecraft operational performance evaluation; supercompact optoelectronic module
abbr., law Sarasota County Openly Plans For Excellence; Seek Counsel Of Professional Experience; Sheriff's Community Oriented Policing Effort
abbr., Makarov. Scientific Committee on Problems of Environment
abbr., mil., avia. system for control of operations of payloads for EUROMIR
abbr., nautic., scient. San Clemente Ocean Probing Experiment; Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment
abbr., relig. South Coast Outlook And Participation Experience
abbr., scottish Secure Co-operative Processing Environment
mil. subsystem for the control of operations and plan evaluation; supervisory control of program execution; system to coordinate the operation of peripheral equipment
tech. system controllability/observability partitioning environment
SCOPE [skəup] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Scientific Committee on Pollution of Environment; Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (ICSU, France); southeastern coastal plains expedition (US)
abbr., ecol. Scientific Commission on Problem of the Environment
abbr., oil Special Committee on Problems of the Environment
scope: 152 phrases in 20 subjects
European Union1
Human rights activism1
Information technology23
Oil / petroleum1