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scat [skæt] n
gen. злива f (раптова)
hist. данина f; земельний податок
inf. удар m; звук удару; звук пострілу; шум вибуху; іди геть!; геть звідси!; адзусь!
 English thesaurus
scat [skæt] abbr.
abbr. supersonic commercial air transport
abbr., med., lat. scatula
O&G scattered
SCAT [skæt] abbr.
abbr. Scooping Committee For Anchorage Trails; Searching Catalogs To Access Titles; Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team; Solar Composting Advanced Toilet; School and College Ability Test; sequential component automatic testing; Special Advisory Committee on Telecommunications
abbr., avia. scout/attack helicopter; speed control approach and takeoff; supersonic civil air transport
abbr., biol. SCAT technique (MichaelBurov); smoothed continuous assignment technique (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Student Community Action Team
abbr., el. strip chip architecture topology; statistical communications analysis technique; strip chip architecture technology
abbr., el., scient. Sneak Circuit Analysis Tool
abbr., IT Single Channel Autonomous Trunking
abbr., law Stop Child Abduction Today; Street Crime Apprehension Team
abbr., med. Sheep Cell Agglutination Test; Sickle Cell Anemia Test; sickle cell anemia testing
abbr., media. Somerville Community Access Television
abbr., mil., air.def. space communication and tracking; statistical communication analysis technique
abbr., mil., avia. aircraft stall warning system
abbr., qual.cont. simple capability acceptance test
abbr., relig. School Christian Assembly Team
abbr., scottish Scout / Attack Helicopter; South China Aero Technology Ltd (Hong Kong); Speed Command of Attitude & Thrust; Speed Control Approach & Take-off
abbr., sport. Southern California Aerobatic Team
abbr., transp. South County Area Transit; Specialized Community Area Transit; Strathcona County Accessible Transit; Suffolk County Accessible Transit
meteorol. security control of air traffic
mil. scout attack; self-contained adaptive transpiration; self-contained automatic transmitter; service command air transport; system for countering AT threats
tech. satellite communications airborne terminal; Schottky cell array technology; space communications and tracking system; spectral color analysis technique; speed control, approach and takeoff system; spray chemical addition tank; submarine classification and tracking; surface controlled avalanche transistor; surface-controlled avalanche transistor; surface-controlled avalanche triode
SCAT [skæt] abbr.
abbr. securite control of air traffic
abbr., avia. speed control; approach/takeoff; special category
abbr., busin. simple capability acceptance
abbr., comp. SHARE compiler-assembler-translator
abbr., earth.sc. scatterometer; self calibrating acoustic transponder; summary cross-section archival tape
abbr., oil statistical curvature analysis technique
abbr., radio surface controlled avalanche triod
abbr., space share compiler assembler and translator; space communications and tracking; speed command of attitude and thrust
scat: 7 phrases in 2 subjects