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run high
gen. розгоратися; розгорятися (про пристрасті); розгорітися; здійматися (про море); хвилюватися (про море); збуджуватися; зростати
O&G підняття (нафтової структури)
 English thesaurus
run high
gen. if people's feelings are running high, they are very angry, concerned, or excited (Feelings there have been running high in the wake of last week's killing. • Emotions were running high and people are annoyed by what happened because we all felt it was a definite foul. • As usual, anticipation ran high last night before the announcement of the team. • At the launch of the report, where feelings ran high, two people from different sides of the divide initially hurled insults at one another. collinsdictionary.com)
run high: 1 phrase in 1 subject