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route clearance
mil. очищення маршруту руху від вибухонебезпечних предметів; розмінування маршруту; розчищення доріг
mil., logist. очищення маршруту
 English thesaurus
route clearance
mil. In land operations, the detection and if found, the identification, marking and neutralization, destruction or removal of mines or other explosive ordnance, improvised explosive devices and booby traps threatening a defined route to allow a military operation to continue with reduced risk. Note: Route clearance is normally conducted by military units
mil., logist. In land operations, the detection and if found, the identification, marking and neutralization, destruction or removal of mines or other explosive ordnance, improvised explosive devices and booby traps threatening a defined route to allow a military operation to continue with reduced risk. Note: route clearance is normally conducted by military units. (FRA)
route clearance
: 3 phrases in 1 subject