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planned target
econ. планове завдання; контрольні цифри
mil. запланована ціль (вогонь по якій передбачено заздалегідь – в артилерії, ВМС тощо)
mil., logist. планова ціль
planned targets
econ. планове завдання; контрольні цифри
USA планові дані
plan target
econ. планове завдання
 English thesaurus
planned target
mil. In artillery and naval fire support, a target on which fire is prearranged
mil., logist. In artillery and naval fire support, a target on which fire is prearranged. (FRA)
USA Target that is known to exist in the operational environment, upon which actions are planned using deliberate targeting, creating effects which support commander’s objectives. There are two subcategories of planned targets: scheduled and on-call. (JP 3-60) see also on-call target, operational area, scheduled target, target
planned target: 3 phrases in 2 subjects