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pep [pep] n
inf. бадьорість; енергія f; жвавість
 English thesaurus
pep [pep] abbr.
abbr. peppermint
mil., lingo pepper (MichaelBurov)
PEP [pep] abbr.
abbr. Parents Empowering Parents; People Empowering People; Python Enhancement Proposal; Packetized Ensemble Protocol (Telebit); Paternalistic, Economic, Participative (The three main motivational styles found in organizations and management. Interex); Personal Employee Portal (IBM); Personal Exam Prep (MS, ATEC); planar epitaxial passivated (transistor); productibility, engineering, planning; Politically Exposed Person (Sukhopleschenko); pulmonary embolism prevention; Positron-Electron-Proton Storage Ring; phosphoenolpyruvic acid
abbr., agric. Poultry & Egg Promotion
abbr., auto. peripheral expansion port
abbr., automat. Precision Engineering Program
abbr., avia. performance engineers program; product engineering and planning; product engineering and production; production engineering and planning
abbr., biol. phosphoenole pyruvate
abbr., busin. private equity plan (MichaelBurov); personal equity plan (MichaelBurov); profits per equity partner (LadaP)
abbr., clin.trial. primary endpoint (основная конечная точка Dimpassy)
abbr., commer. Producibility Engineering and Planning; Proposal Evaluation Panel (iwona); Public Enquiry Point (iwona)
abbr., commun. Pan European Paging service
abbr., comp., net. Packet Encoding Protocol
abbr., construct. Promotion of European Passive Houses (ВВладимир)
abbr., EBRD private equity plan (raf)
abbr., ed. Personal Education Plan; Potentially English Proficient
abbr., ed., scient. Personalized Education Plan; Pre Engineering Program
abbr., el. paperless entry processing; partial etchback process; partitioned emulation program (ming); path end point; personality erasable programmable read-only memory; performance enhancement platform; personal electronic printer; phase-encoded part; photoelectrical potential; photoengraving process; picture enhancement processor; planar-epitaxial passivated; production enhancement platform; program evaluation program; protocol extension protocol; prototyping evaluation and programming
abbr., electr.eng. pulse effective power
abbr., evol. popular evolutionary psychology (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Packet Exchange Protocol
abbr., genet. peptidase; primer extension preamplification
abbr., HF.electr. primary entry point
abbr., inet. Partial Episode Payment
abbr., IT Policy Enforcement Point; Personal Entry Point
abbr., law Personalised Employment Pass (Лорина)
abbr., med. Parkinson's Educational Program; Pigmentation, Edema, And Plasma Cell Dyscrasia (syndrome); Protein Electrophoresis; preejection period (период изоволюмического сокращения Dimpassy); Public Education Program (Yakov); physiological evaluation of primates; polyestradiolphosphate; positive expiratory pressure; P-enolpyruvate
abbr., mil. Peak Envelope Power; personnel exchange program
abbr., mil., air.def. peak envelope emitted power
abbr., mil., avia. packet exchange protocol
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Project Execution Plan
abbr., O&G, sakh. Performance Enhancement Plan (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., phys., scient. Pauli Exclusion Principle
abbr., physiol. Peak Expiratory Pressure
abbr., physiol., med. PEPpermint; Post Exposure Prophylaxis
abbr., progr. packetized ensemble protocol (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. product excellence program
abbr., tradem. Precision Engine Parts
ecol., abbr. phosphorus elimination plant
energ.ind., abbr. performance enhancement plates; progress evaluation plan
invest., abbr. personal equity plan
med., food.serv. phosphoenolpyruvate
mil. power extension plant; program evaluation process
mil., abbr. performance evaluation and prediction; performance evaluation program; physical education program; plant equipment package; platform electronic package; platform evaluation program; point expanding projectile; power evaluation program; proficiency examination program; program element plan; program evaluation procedure; promotion evaluation pattern
NYSE., st.exch. Pepsico, Inc.
tech., abbr. pentaethylphenol; performance enhancement program; peripheral entry panel; positron, electron, proton; power extension package; producibility engineering planning; productivity enhancement package; programmable entry panel; prosphoenole pyruvate; proton-electron-positron storage ring; prototyping, evaluation and programming system
Pep [pep] abbr.
abbr., med. Peptococcus
PEP [pep] abbr.
abbr., avia. performance engineers programs; productivity enhancement program
abbr., busin. UIT (MichaelBurov); unit investment trust (MichaelBurov); common investment fund (MichaelBurov); prior expected profit
abbr., earth.sc. philips environmental protection; planetary exploration plan; positron-electron-proton
abbr., med. pre-ejection period (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., oil petroleum electric power; petroleum exploration permit; pressure evaluation packer; pressure evaluation profile; process economics program; project execution plans
abbr., pharm. pancreatic enzyme preparation (ННатальЯ); peplomycin
abbr., semicond. planar epitaxial passivated
abbr., space pre-engine production
abbr., textile patent examining procedure
: 11 phrases in 2 subjects