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movement control ['mu:vməntkən'trəul]
mil. управління військовими перевезеннями; управління рухом; регулювання руху; управління військовими перевезеннями; диспетчерська служба; управління перевезеннями
mil., logist. організація переміщення та транспортування; організація пересування та транспортування
 English thesaurus
movement control ['mu:vməntkən'trəul]
mil., logist. The planning, routing, scheduling and control of personnel and cargo movements over lines of communication NATO. (FRA); All air operation, with the exception of airborne operations, carried out within a theatre of operations, designed to set up or recover personnel, equipment and supplies. (FRA); Action carried out by traffic control units in order to collect, for the benefit of the commander, information on the movements, in the conditions of time and location that he defined. It consists in the setting up of control posts, through which the commanders of the columns have to pass. (FRA)
USA The planning, routing, scheduling, and control of personnel and cargo movements over lines of communications; includes maintaining in-transit visibility of forces and material through the deployment and/or redeployment process (JP 4-01.5) see also line of communications, movement control teams, non-unit cargo, non-unit-related personnel
movement control
: 15 phrases in 2 subjects
Airports and air traffic control2