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motif [məu'ti:f] n
fr. основна тема; головна думка; лейтмотив (музичного твору тощо); оздоблення з мережива (на сукні)
mus. мотив m (в художньому творі)
 English thesaurus
motif [məu'ti:f] n
lit. A recurring element, such as an incident, a device, a reference, or verbal formula, which appears frequently in a work of literature.
MOTIF [məu'ti:f] abbr.
abbr. Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility
abbr., el. modular optical test instrument for fiber
abbr., scottish Maui Optical & Tracking Identification Facility (USA)
motif: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Oil and gas1