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monkey business ['mʌŋkɪ'bɪznɪs]
amer., inf. безглузда праця; пустотлива витівка; вибрик
brit. дурощі
 English thesaurus
monkey business ['mʌŋkɪ'bɪznɪs]
inf., amer. foolish, mischievous, or deceitful tricks or behavior (collinsdictionary.com); frivolous or mischievous behavior (collinsdictionary.com); mischievous behavior (Use monkey business to describe what your sneaky, mischievous little brother gets up to when no one's watching him. Climbing on top of the refrigerator or filling the sugar bowl with salt could both be described as monkey business. Monkey business is one of those animal idioms that make a lot of sense — just picture a rascally monkey stealing the hat off your head and running away. The phrase first came into use around the start of the twentieth century, possibly from the earlier term monkeyshines, which had the same meaning. It's thought they were influenced by the increasing popularity of zoos in the United States in the late 1800's. vocabulary.com); shenanigans (Our teacher warned us not to try any monkey business while she was out of the room. • The new nanny will not tolerate such monkey business from her charges. merriam-webster.com)
inf., brit. mischievous, suspect, dishonest, or meddlesome behaviour or acts (You try any monkey business and you're in trouble, right? collinsdictionary.com); behaviour that is not acceptable or is dishonest (The teacher suspected that there had been some monkey business going on while she was out of the room. cambridge.org); dishonest or illegal behavior (There’s been some monkey business connected with his tax returns. • It then occurred to me that there was some monkey business, which is now becoming apparent. • That is not justice; it is playing monkey business with our judicial framework and processes. cambridge.org); mischievous or deceitful behaviour (She wasn't going to have any monkey business where the reputation of her only daughter was concerned • It seems that 2003 is off to a good start as, this week, DJs big and small will provide many a chance for tomfoolery and monkey business. • I think that when you have the television screens in the courtroom, less monkey business goes on. • When you look at these pictures, you know there was no monkey business, and that I was not sneaking around trying to steal pictures of people. • Was there any suspicion of monkey business in the fire? • After the boy gets booted out of the house, I reassure Dad it was a totally innocent peck and that there was no monkey business going on. • I felt that it would have left things open to what Dan called monkey business. • A quick glance at last week's papers reveals that it's monkey business as usual on Wall Street. • There have been no allegations of monkey business at City Hall since Miller has been mayor and that's good. • That's right I'm a social deviant, I was born with a special talent for monkey business. • He now looks back on his past monkey business with a keen sense of revisionism. • Now go take a shower, and no more monkey business or you'll be late for school, she says grumpily. • Both allege market monkey business by packers who use captive supplies. • Both Max and a persuasive emailer with firsthand knowledge have convinced me that there was no monkey business with the economic assumptions. • What monkey business are you two doing in the middle of the hallway? • There doesn't seem to be any monkey business here. • I had to assure her there was no monkey business going on. • There is some serious monkey business going on here. • You can easily arrange to have whatever files you want turned over in case there's any monkey business. • But you're a different story, you can keep an eye out that the three of them don't get up to any monkey business. • Much more of this monkey business and every riot in every corner of a foreign land will be blamed on provocation by racist locals. lexico.com)