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meteorological conditions [,mi:tɪərə'lɔdʒɪk(ə)l kən'dɪʃ(ə)nz]
avia. метеоумови
econ. метеорологічні умови
 English thesaurus
meteorological conditions [,mi:tɪərə'lɔdʒɪk(ə)l kən'dɪʃ(ə)nz]
mil., logist. IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions: meteorological flight conditions expressed in reference to visibility, to the distance from the clouds and the cover, which are under the minimum specified for the visual meteorological conditions VMC. They require instrument flight. 2. VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions: meteorological flight conditions expressed in reference to visibility, to the distance from the clouds and the cover equal or above the specified minimum. (FRA)
meteorological conditions
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
Airports and air traffic control1