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noun | adjective | preposition | abbreviation | to phrases
max [mæks] n
IT максимум m
Max [mæks] n
names Макс (Maximillian, чоловіче ім'я)
max [mæks] adj.
IT максимальний
max [mæks] prep.
IT найбільше значення
mil., inf. найбільша кількість очок (maximum); найвища міра стягнення (maximum)
 English thesaurus
max [mæks] abbr.
gen. (igisheva)
abbr. maximum
USA tops (We don't have enough time - half an hour tops. Val_Ships)
max. abbr.
abbr. maximal (Vosoni)
polym. maximum
MAX [mæks] abbr.
abbr. Manx; Midwest Automated Execution system; MAssively parallel uniX (Cray, OS, MIMD, MPP, Unix); Media Access Exchange (Ascend); mobile automatic X-ray; maxwell
abbr., cycl. maximum speed
abbr., el. mobile automatic exchange; modular application executive; multiple array matrix
abbr., file.ext. Scene (3D Stdio Max)
abbr., IT Max language source code file; Scene
abbr., mil. Maximum
abbr., physiol., med. Maxilla; Maximal
abbr., post Mailer's Address Quality Support System
abbr., st.exch. Mercury Air Group, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Modular Automation Xcessories
max: 7 phrases in 6 subjects
Oil and gas1