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loose end
gen. невирішена проблема (part of a story, situation, or crime that has not yet been explained: My research is done, but I have some loose ends to tie up • We still have one more loose end to deal with before we're finished with the project bojana); невирішене питання (part of a story, situation, or crime that has not yet been explained: My research is done, but I have some loose ends to tie up • We still have one more loose end to deal with before we're finished with the project bojana); недомовка (a detail that is left unsettled, unexplained, or incomplete: There are some annoying loose ends in the plot. bojana); недоговореність (a detail that is left unsettled, unexplained, or incomplete: There are some annoying loose ends in the plot. bojana); недосказаність (a detail that is left unsettled, unexplained, or incomplete: There are some annoying loose ends in the plot. bojana); незавершеність (справи: My research is done, but I have some loose ends to tie up • We still have one more loose end to deal with before we're finished with the project bojana)
chem. вільний кінець
industr. незакріплений вільний кінець
loose end
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