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irony ['aɪ(ə)rənɪ] n
gen. іронія f; глузування n; схожий на залізо; глузливість
irony ['aɪ(ə)rənɪ] adj.
gen. залізний; залізистий
 English thesaurus
irony ['aɪ(ə)rənɪ] n
lit. Words or ideas which have an extra layer of meaning, distinctive to the literal one. There are several types of irony which include verbal irony. This is where the speaker or character says one thing, yet means another. Dramatic irony is where actions or words have an alternate meaning, which the speaker or other characters are oblivious to, yet the audience or reader are aware of the underlying meaning. Finally, situational irony is when the result of an action is the opposite of the desired or expected effect.
irony: 5 phrases in 1 subject