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inconsiderate ['ɪnkən'sɪd(ə)rɪt] adj.
gen. неуважний; що не зважає на інших; нерозсудливий; необдуманий; необачний; нерозважливий; неделікатний; нечемний; нечуйний
law непередбачливий
 English thesaurus
inconsiderate ['ɪnkən'sɪd(ə)rɪt] adj.
gen. thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others (Bayliss and his father were talking together before dinner when Claude came in and was so inconsiderate as to put up a window, though he knew his brother hated a draft.); not considerate of others (Not replacing the roll after using the last of the toilet paper is very inconsiderate. • Bayliss and his father were talking together before dinner when Claude came in and was so inconsiderate as to put up a window, though he knew his brother hated a draft. wiktionary.org); not thinking about other people and their feelings (macmillandictionary.com); if you accuse someone of being inconsiderate, you mean that they do not take enough care over how their words or actions will affect other people (Motorists were criticised for being inconsiderate to pedestrians. collinsdictionary.com); lacking in care or thought for others, heedless, thoughtless (collinsdictionary.com); not thinking or worrying about other people or their feelings (Synonym: selfish: Our neighbours are very inconsiderate - they're always playing loud music late at night. cambridge.org); not caring about other people or their feelings, selfish (She thought it was inconsiderate of him not to have asked her friend to the party. • For example, why are narcissistic individuals often forgetful of names, prejudiced, inconsiderate of others' time, and unable to remain in love? • Teenagers were described as inconsiderate communicators, who mumble, don't put ends on their words, talk too fast and use their own language. • They would think it inconsiderate to admit fatigue to a person who had acted as their guide all day. • Impolite, inconsiderate supervision may not be a major contributing factor to psychiatric disorders at least when relational justice is not extremely low. • It is inconsiderate actions, such as leaving plastic filth on beaches—or on the streets, as many people do in my constituency—that annoy me so intensely. • Motorists may be prosecuted if they drive in an inconsiderate, careless or dangerous manner. • Inconsiderate noisy neighbours can cause extreme distress and suffering to many. • We need severe penalties to stop inconsiderate and selfish parking in the rush hour on main roads. cambridge.org); not caring about the feelings, needs, or comfort of other people (also as "it was inconsiderate (of somebody) to do something": It was very inconsiderate of you to keep us waiting. • The self-confident leader can be insensitive and inconsiderate. • He was inconsiderate, but he would surely have been in touch with her by now if he was able to. • It was really inconsiderate of him not to even leave a message. • The issues members raise are related to ignorant, inconsiderate or criminal people. • There are a few inconsiderate people whose golfing practice may be a nuisance. ldoceonline.com); careless of the rights or feelings of others (Synonym: heedless, thoughtless: He was rude and inconsiderate to the waiter. • There is no excuse for such inconsiderate behavior. • Time will tell but the damage done by a few inconsiderate and selfish USC players may prove to be very damaging to the team, the university and the fans. • Why should a guy having a cold one in his backyard have to listen to his windows rattle because some people are so inconsiderate with loud exhaust? merriam-webster.com)
obs. not giving enough consideration to one's actions, conclusions, etc., acting too quickly without considering the risks and consequences (Synonyms: hasty, inattentive, rash, unreflecting: Mr. Elton might not be of an imprudent, inconsiderate disposition as to money-matters; he might naturally be rather attentive than otherwise to them. (1815, Jane Austen) • ...the most danger is from those inconsiderate and unexperienced pilots, who think a ship may be managed and conducted with equal ease and safety among shoals, as their own small vessels to which they have been accustomed (1777, William Hutchinson) wiktionary.org); resulting from insufficient consideration (Synonym: unconsidered: […] to such a choice are many worthy women betrayed, by that false and inconsiderate notion, raised and propagated, no doubt, by the author of all delusion, That a reformed Rake makes the best husband. (1748, Samuel Richardson) • Do me not the injustice to imagine I now require any particulars to convince me of your innocence, and of my own inconsiderate conclusions. (1791, Charlotte Lennox) • Charlotte Stanhope did not in the least conceive that her new friend was a woman whom nothing could entrap into an inconsiderate marriage. (1857, Anthony Trollope) wiktionary.org); of too little value to be considered (Synonyms: inconsiderable, negligible, trifling: […] when they had sold any one of their bullooks to us, for a little inconsiderate peece of brasse... (1655, Edward Terry) • […] to wrest the Law to our convenience // Is no small, inconsiderate Work? (1682, Aphra Behn) wiktionary.org)
uncom. insufficiently considered (collinsdictionary.com); ill-advised (collinsdictionary.com); not adequately considered (Synonym: ill-advised merriam-webster.com)
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