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Hope [həup] n
names жіноче і Хоуп (чоловіче ім'я)
hope [həup] n
gen. надія f; сподівання; той, на кого покладають надії; невелика вузька затока; фіорд; ущелина; виярок; просвіток; сподіванка
hope [həup] v
gen. покладати надії; сподіватися (for); надіятися (сподіватися, for); очікувати; передчувати
IT надіятися; сподіватися
hope [həup] adj.
gen. щось багатообіцяюче
 English thesaurus
HOPE [həup] abbr.
abbr. Hackers On Planet Earth; Helping Other Parents Endure; Helping Other People Everyday; Helping Other People Everywhere; Housing Opportunities For People Everywhere; Hannah Organization For Promoting Education; Healing Of People Everywhere; Health Opportunities For People Everywhere; Health Opportunity For People Everywhere; Health Osteoporosis Progestin Estrogen; Health Outreach Prevention And Education; Healthy Options Pertaining To Elders; Help And Opportunity To Pursue Education; Help One Person Excel; Help Our Parents Educate; Help Our People Excel; Help Overcome Professional Exploitation; Helping Oncology Patients Excel; Helping One Person Excel; Helping Open People's Eyes; Helping Others Practice English; Helping Overcome Professional Exploitation; Helps On Personal Evaluation; High Office Parachute Escape; High On Patriotic Enthusiasm; Honoring Occupational And Personal Empowerment; Honoring Our Professors Excellence; Honoring Outstanding Prevention Efforts; Houses Of Prayer Everywhere
abbr., astronaut. H-II Orbiting Plane (Japan); highly instrumented orbiting primate experiment
abbr., ed. Helping Other People Excel; Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally
abbr., med. European Hospital And Healthcare Federation; health and optimum physical education; Highly Instrumented Orbiting Primate Experiment
abbr., med., amer. Health Opportunities to People Everywhere
abbr., physiol. Health Opportunity for People Everywhere
abbr., physiol., med. Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation
hope: 145 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Information technology4