
Google | Forvo | +
noun | verb | noun | to phrases
globe [gləub] n
gen. куля f; небесне тіло; глобус; держава f (емблема влади); круглий скляний абажур; круглий акваріум; група f; кліка m; натовп m; земля f (земна куля)
avia. земна куля; будь-яке небесне тіло
dipl. земна куля (the)
hist. держава f
O&G ковпак m; дзвін (повітряного насоса); земна куля
globe [gləub] v
gen. робити круглим; ставати круглим
 English thesaurus
GLOBE [gləub] abbr.
abbr. Global And Local Objectives For Better Education; Global Learning And Observation To Benefit The Environment
abbr., astronaut. Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment programme
abbr., earth.sc. global land one-kilometer base elevation
abbr., econ. Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (Эффективность глобального лидерства и организационного поведения yerlan.n)
abbr., el. global learning and observations to benefit the environment
abbr., file.ext. Global Learning by Observations to Benefit the Environment (Internet)
abbr., glac. Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment program
abbr., org.name. Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment
ocean., abbr. Global Backscatter Experiment
Globe [gləub] abbr.
abbr. global object-based environment (ssn)
lit. A famous theatre, in London, where the writer and actor Shakespeare performed. The Globe theatre has now been reconstructed near the site of the original one.
globe: 35 phrases in 10 subjects
Natural sciences1
Oil and gas2
Weapons and gunsmithing1