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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
coop [ku:p] n
gen. курник; клітка для птиці; верша; віз з високими бортами; невелика купа (гною тощо); барило n; барильце n; бочонок; клітка f (для свійської птиці); купа f
amer., inf. в'язниця f
law кооператив m; кооперативний
coop [ku:p] v
gen. саджати в курник; зачиняти в клітку; садовити в клітку
 English thesaurus
COOP [ku:p] abbr.
abbr., avia. customer on-line order processing (system); customer order on-line processing system
abbr., mil., avia. cooperative
COOPS abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. carbon dioxide observation platform system
COOP [ku:p] abbr.
abbr. Cooperative Bankshares; Concurrent Object Orientated Programming (OOP); Continuity of Operation Plan; custom order on-line processing
abbr., busin. cooperage; Cooperative Society
abbr., earth.sc. cooperative ocean observation program
abbr., el. continuity of operations and plans; customer order on-line processing
abbr., mil. Continuity Of Operations Plan; Continuity of Operations; Craft Of OPportunity; continuity of operations
abbr., org.name. Cooperative Branch
abbr., post Continuity Of Operations Plans (US Postal Inspection Service)
abbr., scottish Craft-Of-Opportunity (Mine detection technique)
mil. contingency operations plan; continuity of operations plan; cooperative; cooperative observations program
ocean., nautic., scient. Coastal Ocean Processes
coop [ku:p] abbr.
abbr. cooperation
abbr., earth.sc. co-operation
coop. abbr.
abbr., libr. cooperative
.COOP abbr.
inet. Cooperatives-Business (Domain Name)
Coop. abbr.
abbr. Cooper's Reports, Chancery
.coop abbr.
file.ext. Cooperatives-Business (Domain Name, Internet)
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling1