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aiming ['eɪmɪŋ] n
gen. прицілювання; наводка
mil. наведення n; візування n
aim [eɪm] v
gen. прагнути (at); домагатися; добиватися; ставити собі за мету; цілитися (at); прицілюватися; націлюватися; кидати; шпурляти; взяти на приціл (at); гнути (at); мітити (націлюватися, at); навести (at); наводити (націлювати, at); направити; направляти (зброю); напрямити; напрямляти; наставити; наставляти (про зброю); націлити (at); націлювати (at); націляти (at); поставити собі за мету (at); скеровувати (зброю); скерувати; спрямовувати (зброю); спрямувати
h.rghts.act. намір m (мета)
mil. цілити; цілитися; прагнути; намагатися
aiming ['eɪmɪŋ] adj.
gen. прицільний; візирний
 English thesaurus
AIM [eɪm] abbr.
abbr. Abrams Integrated Management; Academic Improvement Methods; Accuracy In Media; Achievement Is Meaningful; Act, Intent, And Motive; Action International Ministries; Adam Image Maker; ADCOM Intelligence Memorandum; Addictive Instant Messenger; Advanced Invar Mask (Display, ViewSonic); Aerial Independent Models; Aeronautical Information Manual; Africa Island Mission; Africa, India, Middle East (Амбарцумян); Agricultural Input Management; Agriculture Instructional Media; Alternate Input Method (OS/2); Am I Moses?; American Indian Movement; American Innerspring Manufacturers; American Institute of Management; Amsterdam Interprofessional Market; AOL Instant Messenger (protocol, AOL, IM); Apple, IBM, Motorola (consortium, Apple, IBM, Motorola, organization); Arh Integrated Media; Armor, Infantry, and Mechanized Infantry; ASAS All- Source Analysis System Interface Module; Asshole Insertion Magnet; Association of Imaging Manufacturers (organization); Association of Information Management; Asthma Initiative of Michigan; Athletes International Ministry; ATM / Ascend Inverse Multiplexing (protocol, ATM); Australian Institute of Metals; Automatic Interface Management (Brother)
abbr., AI. artificial intelligence manipulator (ssn); AI manipulator (ssn)
abbr., auto. audio interface module; automatic idle speed motor; automatic information management; automotive industrial motor
abbr., automat. assembly and information manager; avalanche induced migration
abbr., avia. airborne infrared mapper; Aircraft Integrated Maintenance (Interex); accuracy in median; action interface memorandum; action item miscellaneous; advanced image management system; advanced integrated mux; advanced intercept missile; afloat information management; ashore information management; Access and Identity Management; aeronautical information management; Aeronautical Information Management; Aeronautical Information Services
abbr., comp., net. ATM Inverse Multiplexer
abbr., el. automatic identification manufacturers; air-isolated monolithic (structure); ac input module; address indexing method; adhesive insulation material; A/D input mode; advanced image management (system); advanced information in medicine; advanced information manager; advanced information memory; advanced interactive microcomputer; air isolated monolithic process; analog intensity modulation; applied information memory; ASAS interface module; asynchronous interface module; ATM inverse multiplexing; automated integrated manufacturing; automated inventory management; automatic image modulation; automatic in-line mailing; air-isolation monolithic
abbr., expl. American Institute of Mining
abbr., file.ext. AOL Instant Message Launch (Netscape); Asm Text Mode Image File (The Ultimate Draw)
abbr., insur. Associate in Management
abbr., int.rel. Association for International Mobility (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT AOL instant messenger (Bricker); associative indexed access method
abbr., Makarov. atoms in molecules
abbr., med. Abridged Index Medicus; Administrators In Medicine; Administrators Of Internal Medicine; Advanced Informatics In Medicine; Artificial Intelligence In Medicine (periodical); Association For Integrative Medicine; Academy-International of Medicine; alarm information monitor; automated information management subsystem; Adolescents In Medicine
abbr., mil. Advanced INFOSEC Machine; Air-Intercept Missile; Airman's Information Manual
abbr., O&G Argon Ion Milling (An electron microscopy sample preparation service which produces a debris-free surface for optimum examination of microporosity, especially beneficial for shale samples tat-konovalova)
abbr., post Asset and Identification Management program (pilot 1989, nationwide starts 1991)
abbr., progr. application interpreted model (ssn)
abbr., scottish Aerospace Industries Malaysia; Air Intercept Missile; Air traffic control beacon IFF Mk XII system; Aircraft Interphone & Mixer (Yugoslavia); Alarm Indication Monitor; Anti-Invasion Mine; Automatic Inflation Modulation
abbr., st.exch. Alternative Investment Market (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tech. analogue input module; air intercept missile
abbr., telecom. automatic identification manufactures
energ.ind. abnormal incident manual; alarm indicator monitor; avalanche-induced migration
mil. accuracy in measurement; active inert missile; advanced information memorandum; aerial intercept missile; aid to improved marksmanship; airman's information manual; alarm indicating monitor; area interdiction mine; armored, infantry and mechanized; Army installation management; automated information management; autonomous infantry mortar
tech. access isolation mechanism; advanced interface module; air-isolated monolithic circuit; air-isolated monolithic structure; air-isolation monolithic structure; airborne intercept missile; analog input module; application interface module; associative indexed access method; asymmetric inverted mesa; auroral ionospheric mapper
aim [eɪm] abbr.
abbr. alarm; annunciator
O&G asset integrity management (kotechek)
AIM 3402 [eɪm] v
level. Application Interface Module 3402 (Метран)
: 183 phrases in 18 subjects
Airports and air traffic control2
European Union1
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal1
Information technology3