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verb | adjective | to phrases
trust [trʌst] v
gen. що належить тресту; довіряти (вірити комусь, smb.); вірити (довіряти); покладатися; довірятися (in); доручати; сподіватися; гадати; вважати; давати у кредит; довіритися (in); надіятися; повірити
comp., MS довіра (Confidence in the reliability of an entity or service and the information that it provides)
econ. трест; довіра
h.rghts.act. довіряти
law доручати піклуванню; довірити; довірчий
trusted ['trʌstɪd] adj.
law довірений; надійний
 English thesaurus
trust [trʌst] abbr.
abbr. trusteeship; tr. (Vosoni)
law A legal device used to manage real or personal property, established by one person the GRANTOR or SETTLOR for the benefit of another the BENEFICIARY. A third person the TRUSTEE or the grantor manages the trust. In Traffic - Trust is an account into which bail is posted to insure appearance or compliance until the case is settled
TRUST [trʌst] abbr.
abbr. Teams Reaching Understanding And Success Together; Township Responsive United Shelter Team; Trustworthy Relationships And Unconditionally Safe Territory; Tomorrow's Results Ultimately Start Today; Training Respect Understanding Support And Teamwork
abbr., avia. Terminal Routes Using Speed Control Techniques
abbr., ed. Teaching Respect And Understanding To Students And Teachers
abbr., ed., scient. Trained To Relieve And Understand Student Tensions
abbr., law Tobacco Reduction Using The Settlement The Trust
abbr., med. Teaching, Referral, Understanding, Support, and Testing
abbr., mil., avia. transportable units and self-sufficient teams
abbr., pharm. syphilis toluidine red untreated serum test
abbr., relig. Teens Reaching Unto Salvation's Task
abbr., space television relay using small terminals
abbr., transp. Transportation Revenues Used Solely For Transportation
: 237 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Business style9
Human rights activism2
Information security and data protection16
Information technology2
Security systems2