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comp. зв'язок, здатний передавати 44736000 біт за секунду
 English thesaurus
abbr. digital Transmission link 3 (44.736 Mbps, DS3); 45Mbps (eq 28 T1 channels, Telephony)
abbr., comp., MS Transmission Level 3 (A U.S. telephone standard for a transmission facility at digital signal level 3 (DS3). T3 is equivalent in bandwidth to 28 T1s, and the bit rate is 44.736 megabits per second. T3 is sometimes called a 45-meg circuit)
abbr., comp., net., IT 44.736Mbits/Second
abbr., med. Breast Tumor Larger Than 5.0 Cm (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification); Triiodothyronine; triiodothyronine; 3,5,5' triiodothyronine
abbr., neurol. third thoracic nerve (igisheva)
abbr., oil upper Triassic
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Kiribati)
energ.ind. air temperature at combustor inlet
wood. extra narrow kerf
T 3
abbr., med. thyroid hormones
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