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Statute of Limitations
h.rghts.act. закон про давність позову
statute of limitations
gen. закон про строки давності
econ. закон про позовну давність
fin. позовна давнина; термін давності
law позовна давність (He can no longer be prosecuted. The statute of limitations for that crime has run out.); строк позовної давності (He can no longer be prosecuted. The statute of limitations for that crime has run out.)
statute of limitation
fin. давність
law строк давності
 English thesaurus
statute of limitations
abbr. statute of limitation
law a law limiting the time within which legal action may be taken; statute that lays down the time within which legal proceedings must be started; A law that says how much time you have to file a lawsuit after something happens
Statute Of Limitations
Statute of Limitations: 22 phrases in 4 subjects
Human rights activism1