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SSIS abbr.
comp., MS служби SSIS (A feature of Microsoft SQL Server used to import, export, and transform data from different data sources)
 English thesaurus
SSI abbr.
abbr. scaled shadow index
abbr., auto. sale satisfaction index
abbr., avia. similar sounding idents; simple serial interface; small serial interface; standby static inverter; structure strength institute; supplemental structural inspection; synchronous system interface
abbr., ed. Solid State Interlocking
abbr., el. security system interface specification; Semiconductor Systems Inc.; send service information; signal strength value for power increase request; Silicon Systems Inc.; single signal interconnect; Sky Station International, Inc.; solid-state inverter; spacecraft system integration; speckle shearing interferometry; step-shaped index (fiber); subsystem interface; Supercomputer Systems Inc.; Super Silicon Crystal Research Institute Corp.; single signal interconnection
abbr., fin. supplementary security income
abbr., meteorol. segmental sequestral irradiation
abbr., mil., air.def. signal strength indication
abbr., mil., avia. second-stage ignition
abbr., progr. serializable snapshot isolation (Alex_Odeychuk)
SSIS abbr.
abbr. Schedules and Schemes Information System
abbr., avia. significant service item summary
abbr., comp., net. SoftSolutions Intelligent Search
abbr., d.b.. SQL Server Integration Services (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., el. scanning surface inspection system
abbr., mil., WMD System Safety Implementation Plan
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Subsea Isolation System
abbr., opt. solid-state image sensor
abbr., post Sales/Service Information System
comp. space station information system
mil. spread spectrum intercept system
tech. Shuttle stellar-inertial system; strapdown stellar-inertial system