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SGC abbr.
comp., MS шифрування SGC (An extension of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) that allows financial institutions with export versions of Microsoft Windows 2000 Server to use 128-bit encryption. Although SGC capabilities are built into Windows 2000 Server, a special SGC certificate is required to use SGC)
tech. ствердіння щільної основи (Yuriy Sokha)
 English thesaurus
SGC abbr.
abbr. Surveyor Of Green County; SCSI Graphic Commands (SAM); stable gas condensate; Sperry Gyroscope Co.; stack gas cooler
abbr., astr., scient. Southern Galaxy Catalogue
abbr., auto. signal control; spheroidal graphite cast iron
abbr., avia. signaling grouping channel; software generation center; symbol generator computer; systematic general corp
abbr., earth.sc. stabilized ground clouds; Swiss Geodetic Commission
abbr., el. Schumann and Gardner multilayer correction; signal controller; simulation generation control; stacked gate cell; supergroup connector
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Star Gate Command
abbr., health., med. Swan-Ganz Catheter
abbr., lab.eq. Single Glass Capillary
abbr., med. Salivary Gland Carcinoma
abbr., mil. Select Grouped Controls; Silicon Graphics Crimson; StarGate Command
abbr., mil., avia. scene generation capability
abbr., monk. Sportscard Guarantee Corporation
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. sour gas conversion
abbr., O&G, sakh. state geological committee (Bauirjan); state geology committee (Bauirjan)
abbr., oil gamma ray cartridge; Sour Gas and Crude Symposium
abbr., physiol., med. Salivary gland carcinoma
abbr., sec.sys., IT Server Gated Cryptography
abbr., silic. slag-gypsum cement
abbr., space Spartan guidance computer; symbol-generator computer
abbr., sport. Springhouse Golf Club; Supreme Grand Champion
abbr., st.exch. Superior Uniform, Inc., of Florida
airports, avia. Surgut, Russia
comp. space-to-ground communications
med. Swan-Ganz catheter
mil. Sparter guidance computer
O&G smart gas chromatograph; steam generation coil
tech. standard graphics connection
Sgc abbr.
abbr. critical gas saturation
sGC abbr.
abbr. soluble guanylate cyclase (gnev)
sgc abbr.
pharma. soft gelatine capsules (ochernen)