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RDX abbr.
gen. гексаген; гексоген (Brücke)
 English thesaurus
RDX abbr.
abbr. cyclonite
abbr., chem. trimethylene trinitroamine (cyclonite; hexogen)
abbr., chem., scient. Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine
abbr., econ. Russian Depositary Index (Kessie)
abbr., el. resolver differential transmitter
abbr., expl. Research Department explosive (MichaelBurov); hexogen (MichaelBurov); cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (MichaelBurov); cyclo trimethylenetrinitramine (MichaelBurov); cyclo-trimethylenetrinitramine (MichaelBurov); cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine (MichaelBurov); cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Realistic Display Mixer
abbr., IT Reflex Datafile
abbr., mil. Rapid Detonating Explosive; Research Department eXplosive; Royal Demolition eXplosive; Research Department eXplosive/Royal Demolition eXplosive; Research Department Formula X
abbr., O&G cyclonite (MichaelBurov); cyclotrimethylene tetra nitramine (MichaelBurov); cyclotrimethylene tetranitramine (MichaelBurov); rapid detonating explosive (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, tengiz. asphalt road crossing (Aiduza)
abbr., oil cyclonite (a common explosive used for shaped-charge well perforating)
abbr., scottish Research Department Explosive (UK)
abbr., space trinitrotriazocyclohexane
mil. research and development exchange
tech. hexahydro-trinitro-triazine
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