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noun | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
men [men] n
law люди f; чоловіки m
obs. солдати m; матроси; рядовий склад; нижні чини
man society, A member of the human race [mæn] n
environ. людинасуспільство (Представник людської раси)
man [mæn] n
environ. людина f
 English thesaurus
MEN [men] abbr.
abbr. Mende
abbr., avia. Mende, France; maintenance engineering manual; master of engineering
abbr., econ. most favored nation
abbr., el. management event notification; multiple event network
abbr., med. Meningitis; Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
abbr., media. Manchester Evening News
abbr., st.exch. MuniEnhanced Fund, Inc.
abbr., tech. multi earth neutral (MichaelBurov); multi-earth neutral (MichaelBurov); multi-earth-neutral (MichaelBurov); multiple earth neutral (MichaelBurov)
mil. master equipment number
tech. manual extraterrestrial navigation
men [men] abbr.
abbr. menstruation; mensuration
abbr., earth.sc. meneghinite
O&G meniscus
Men [men] abbr.
abbr., oil Menard lime
geol. Menevian Stage (MichaelBurov); Menevian (MichaelBurov); Menevian Age (MichaelBurov); Menevian time (MichaelBurov); Menevian sequence (MichaelBurov)
lat. Mensa (Столовая Гора Vosoni)
MEn [men] abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. N-corrected metabolizable energy; nitrogen corrected metabolizable energy
.men n
file.ext. Menu (file name extension)
MEN [men] abbr.
abbr. management event notification protocol
abbr., busin. minute
abbr., electric. multiple earthed neutral
abbr., oil mini-extended nozzle
Men Of
: 42 phrases in 5 subjects