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Joey ['ʤəuɪ] n
names Джоуі (Joseph, чоловіче ім'я); Джоі (Joseph, чоловіче ім'я)
joey ['ʤəuɪ] n
austral. дитинча (переважно кенгуру: Female marsupials have pouches, meaning a dead one could be carrying offspring, and the painted markings show the pouch has been checked for a joey. The practice means that other passing wildlife rescuers do not waste time or take unnecessary risks on the roadside looking for a live joey inside the dead marsupial. dailymail.co.uk); маля n (переважно кенгуру: Female marsupials have pouches, meaning a dead one could be carrying offspring, and the painted markings show the pouch has been checked for a joey. The practice means that other passing wildlife rescuers do not waste time or take unnecessary risks on the roadside looking for a live joey inside the dead marsupial. dailymail.co.uk)
 English thesaurus
joey ['ʤəuɪ] n
slang baby kangaroo