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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
Bel [bel] n
myth. Ваал
names Бел (Arabella, Belinda, Isabel, Isabella, жіноче ім'я)
BEL [bel] n
comp. "дзвоник" (у коді ASCII представлений числом 7)
bel [bel] n
phys. бел (електроакустична одиниця)
BEL [bel] abbr.
comp. символ оповіщення
 English thesaurus
Bel [bel] abbr.
abbr. Belgian; Belgium
abbr., names, dimin. Annabel; Arabella; Isabel; Isabella
abbr., oil Beldon
Bel. abbr.
abbr. Bellewe's King's Bench Reports
abbr., commer. Belgian
abbr., earth.sc. Belgium
BEL [bel] abbr.
abbr. Byelorussian
abbr., avia. Belem, PA, Brazil; below...
abbr., ecol. biological exposure limits (ya)
abbr., ed. Benchmark Enrichment Learning
abbr., ed., scient. Basic Education Lab
abbr., el. bus exchange line; bus exchange logic
abbr., med. Blood Ethanol Level; Bovine Embryonic Lung
abbr., mil., air.def. ball character
abbr., nautic. Belem, Brail
abbr., O&G, sakh. BEL valves
abbr., opt. yttrium lanthanum beryllate
abbr., scottish Bharat Electronics Ltd (India)
abbr., st.exch. Bell Atlantic Corporation
abbr., tradem. Brown Electronic Labs
comp., IT Bell
mil. basic equipment list; bureau equipment list
tech. bell character
bel. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. below
BELS abbr.
abbr., med. Board Of Editors In The Life Sciences
BEL [bel] abbr.
abbr., busin. believe; below
abbr., oil butoxyethyl laurate
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects