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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
battle ['bætl] n
gen. битва f; бій m (сутичка); боротьба f; двобій; поєдинок; бійка f; битися f (за когось, щось; з кимсь, проти когось)
dipl. бій m
hist. військо n; воїнство; баталія f (бій, битва)
law судовий двобій
mil. сутичка f
battle ['bætl] v
gen. боротися (за когось, щось; з кимсь, проти когось)
mil. шикувати в бойовий порядок; битися; боротися (за когось, за щось - for; з кимось - with, against); вести бій
battle ['bætl] adj.
gen. соковитий (про трави); поживний (про трави); родючий (про землю); ситий (про землю); тучний (про землю); бойовий
mil. лінійний
 English thesaurus
battle ['bætl] n
mil., abbr. bat
mil., logist. 6 combination of combats between two or more organized armed forces. It is the natural conclusion of the strategic maneuver. It includes engagements and combats aimed at the disruption and generally at the destruction of a given part of enemy forces and may be decisive, but does not in itself result in the termination of the war. (FRA); The main type of tactical action, it involves an organized armed encounter between tactical formations, units, ships, aircraft and subunits of the warring parties. This consists of attacks, fire and maneuver coordinated in terms of objective, time and place. The purpose of a tactical operation is to destroy or rout the enemy or to accomplish other missions limited in time and area. The battle may be combined arms, air defense, air or naval. Forces take up their combat deployment for action. See also operation. (UKR/NATO)
battles n
gen. college bills for accomodation, meals etc. (оксфордский жаргон matchin)
BATTLE ['bætl] abbr.
abbr., mil. Battalion Analyzer and Tactical Trainer for Local Engagements War Games
: 853 phrases in 16 subjects
Foreign affairs1
Human rights activism2
Humorous / Jocular1
Weapons and gunsmithing1