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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
bab [bæb] n
dial. дитина f; маля n; малюк m
Babs [bæbz] abbr.
names Бебз (Barbara, жіноче ім'я)
 English thesaurus
BAB [bæb] abbr.
abbr. Bad Ass Brother; Budget Advisory Board
abbr., afr. Basler Afrika Bibliographien
abbr., auto. babbitt (alloy)
abbr., med. Biotechnology And Applied Biochemistry (periodical); Blood Agar Base; blood-aqueous barrier (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Base Attack Bonus
abbr., physiol., med. Babinski's sign
abbr., st.exch. British Airways, P. L. C.
Babb. [bæb] abbr.
abbr. Babbit metal (Babbitt's metal)
Bab. abbr.
abbr., med. Babinski reflex
BAb [bæb] abbr.
abbr. binding antibody (ННатальЯ)
Bab [bæb] abbr.
abbr., oil Babbit metal
BABS [bæbz] abbr.
abbr. beam approach beacon system (Vosoni); Blind Approach Beacon System
abbr., biotechn. biosynthetic antibody binding sites
abbr., karate. blind approach beam system
abbr., med. Barium Alumino Boro Silicate
abbr., oil batch automated balancing system; branching alkyl benzene sulphonate
abbr., scottish Beam / Blind Approach Beacon System
abbr., weld. British Association for Brazing and Soldering (Yeldar Azanbayev)
BABS: 1 phrase in 1 subject