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noun | abbreviation
Alf [ælf] n
names Елф (Alfred, чоловіче ім'я); Альф (Alfred, чоловіче ім'я)
 English thesaurus
ALF [ælf] abbr.
abbr. Alien Life Form; Animal Liberation Front; Assisted Living Facility; A Lame Front; A Laughing Fart; A Loving Friend; About Life And Faith; Access Layer Format; Access to Learning Fund (Anglophile); Advanced Linear-fit Filter; Air Land Force; Alert Log File; Allied Land Forces; Also Listen First (Interex); Anytime Learning Fun; Australian Land Forces; Awesome Little Fighter
abbr., avia. Aft looking Forward (по направлению полёта Zealot2002); aircraft load factor; approach light facility
abbr., BrE Automatic Letter Facing and Cancelling Machine
abbr., busin. Authorization Limit Form (MichaelBurov)
abbr., econ. automatic letter facing
abbr., el. advanced library format; advanced lithography facility; Advanced X-Ray Lithography Facility; application library file; average annual load factor; algebraic logic functional language
abbr., electr.eng. Accuracy Limit Factor (Jimmy)
abbr., med. Acute Liver Failure; American Liver Foundation; Australian Lung Foundation; Alfuy
abbr., mil. Auxiliary Landing Field
abbr., opt. airborne laser fluorosensor
abbr., radio absorption limiting frequency (tannin)
abbr., scottish Atomic Line Filter
abbr., st.exch. Assisted Living Concepts, Inc.
abbr., transp. Accelerated Load Facility
airports, avia. Alta, Norway
energ.ind. additional letdown flow
meteorol. aloft
mil. advanced landing field; auxiliary landing field
ALf [ælf] abbr.
abbr., soil. ferric alisol
ALF [ælf] abbr.
abbr., avia. after last flight (a.f2014)
abbr., econ. Annual License Fee (aht)
abbr., IT application level framing
abbr., oil airborne measurement of laser-induced fluorescence; automatic line feed
abbr., space alien life-form; auto/ lock-follow target tracker