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noun | adjective | to phrases
stage [steɪʤ] n
comp., MS aşama (An element of workflow logic that groups steps. Adding stages to a workflow does not affect how the steps function. Stages are purely for conceptual grouping of steps within complex workflows)
stage [steɪʤ] adj.
comp., MS hazırlamak (To copy the directories and files to be installed to a destination computer without configuring registry settings)
 English thesaurus
stage [steɪʤ] abbr.
abbr. stg
lit. An area constructed where actors, dancers, musicians, or singers can perform, which allows an audience to obverse simultaneously.
mil., abbr. st
STAGE [steɪʤ] abbr.
abbr., mil. Scenario Toolkit and Generation Environment (software)
mil. simulated total atomic global exchange
: 22 phrases in 3 subjects