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adjective | abbreviation | noun | to phrases
blue [blu:] adj.
gen. mavi (Elfiye)
BLUE [blu:] adj.
math. BLUE veya EDOTAT
BLUE [blu:] abbr.
math. en iyi doğrusal tarafsız yansız tahminleyici
 English thesaurus
blue [blu:] n
slang fight ("he was having a blue with his wife")
BLUE [blu:] abbr.
abbr., el. best linear unbias estimate
abbr., el., scient. Baltic Latvian Universal Electronics
abbr., fin. best linear unbiased estimator
abbr., mil. United States, and it's allies
abbr., nautic., scient. Best Linear Unbiased Estimator
abbr., qual.cont. best linear unbiassed estimate
tech. best linear unbiased estimation
BLUE [blu:] abbr.
abbr., desert. best linear unbiased estimate
abbr., earth.sc. best linear unbiased estimators
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture7