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verb | noun
dismount ['dɪs'maunt] v
comp., MS løse ut (To remove a removable tape or disc from a drive)
 English thesaurus
dismount ['dɪs'maunt] n
gymn. the part of a routine in which the gymnast detaches from an apparatus (wiktionary.org); a move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise, typically landing on both feet (thefreedictionary.com)
mil., lingo dismounted soldier (Two BMPs and 20 enemy dismounts in the open, out. 4uzhoj)
dismount ['dɪs'maunt] v
gen. to get off or to cause to get off something (She carefully dismounted (from) the horse. • Cadel Evans was the first to suffer, quickly dismounting and waiting to take a bike from one of his BMC Racing team-mates, only to discover that the first of them had also punctured. wiktionary.org); to get off a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle (We dismounted to view this most interesting monument of sacred history. • Ease of mounting and dismounting from the wheelchair needs further work. cambridge.org); to get down from a horse or other steed (thefreedictionary.com); to step off or down from (The kid nearly collapsed after dismounting his bike. thefreedictionary.com); to alight from an elevated position (as on a horse; also : to get out of an enclosed craft or vehicle: A machine gunner was ordered to dismount and search for prisoners. merriam-webster.com); to get off a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle (ldoceonline.com); to take something, especially a gun, out of its base or support (ldoceonline.com); get off a horse, bicycle, or anything that one is riding (After reaching the bank, Weatherford dismounted, checked his horse for injuries and rode away, unharmed. • We cover mounting and dismounting and controlling the horse using the reins. • I most certainly do not need help dismounting from a horse. • ‘She did, but I left her back in Cedars Crossing,’ he replied dismounting from his horse and speaking in a low tone. • The stable was finally within only a few yards and he reluctantly slowed his horse in preparation for dismounting. • He had trouble dismounting, putting the horse and equipment away, and then driving home. • We all reined in our horses, and Rowen dismounted. • Both riders reined in their horses and dismounted. • He dismounted and led his horse a few steps closer. • Jas immediately caught his horse, and Katie dismounted quickly. • He dismounts the bike and it extrudes its kickstand. • We pulled up to our first stop and dismounted our vehicles. • His team leader and his driver dismounted the vehicle and got on the opposite side of the vehicle, which was Mike's side of the vehicle. • We paused next to a clump of cactus, dismounted the camels, waited in vain for the small children. • The plane landed and we began to dismount the plane. • If this is happens to you, dismount your bike and walk through the area to avoid the risk of falls. • As Hecksel pulls in behind it, he dismounts the patrol car and again draws. • We dismounted the truck and headed into the door. • As he dismounted the carriage, Brecht surveyed the grounds. • He quoted a recent incident in which a person who used an elbow crutch was hurt while dismounting a bus and now had to use two crutches. lexico.com)
comp. make a disk or disk drive unavailable for use (Chkdsk requires that you reboot your computer so that the hard drive can be dismounted from the operating system. • For example, you may want to dismount but not delete a disk service before you back it up. • The operator tried to dismount the unix hard drive with the DISMOUNT command. lexico.com); to make a mounted drive unavailable for use (synonym: unmount: The VMS operator tried to dismount the Unix hard drive with the DISMOUNT DISK$NFSMOUNT command, instead of umount /mnt/nfshome. • From time to time, the second volume dismounts and the drive shuts down. wiktionary.org)
mil. to throw cannon off their carriages (wiktionary.org)
obs. to come down, to descend (But now the bright sun ginneth to dismount. wiktionary.org)
tech. remove something from its support (We have to dismount the pump • Because the unit sits within the wheel hub, there is no chance of damaging it when mounting or dismounting a tire, a potential problem with wheel-mounted tire pressure monitoring units. • Mounting and dismounting a bulky snow blade is difficult at best. • These are small but necessary details required when dismounting these weapons systems. • Staking it into place lakes only a moment and will also prevent inadvertent loss of the link and pin while the barrel is dismounted from the gun. • The interviews revealed only one incident when the crew dismounted the system. • Doors and windows can be repositioned as required and the entire unit can be dismounted and moved to another site. • Shut down equipment, turn off the engine, remove key and wait for moving parts to stop before dismounting equipment. • The LRAS3 also has the capability of being dismounted on a tripod and powered by batteries. • The VA does not hinder the radio from being dismounted and operated ‘jerk and run’ style as a handheld radio. • Scouts are able to dismount all of the surveillance equipment from the vehicle for use in an observation post or for training. • To truly learn the value of a sword, it must be dismounted and the nakago or tang inspected. • The missile and sights can be dismounted and used with the tripod if necessary. • These bags have to be either full or empty when hauled and cannot be easily dismounted and recovered. lexico.com)
dismount transitive, with object ['dɪs'maunt] v
gen. to unseat or throw off, as from a horse (v.tr. thefreedictionary.com); to throw down or remove from a mount or an elevated position (especially : unhorse (someone) merriam-webster.com); cause to fall off a horse, bicycle, etc. (His escort had dismounted a trooper. • Cody, too, is dismounted; his horse, having stumbled in a hole, is shown rearing, perhaps owing to the rattle of gunfire. • Also, so many troops have been dismounted and sent on daily patrols that they had to do something. • Along the way, as you know, we've had a lot of rain here over those days, a number of the trucks got stuck in quagmires because they were going off road to get there, had to dismount some soldiers. • Using dismounts requires little more than stopping short of restrictive terrain or a templated enemy location, dropping the ramp, and dismounting your scouts. • A barbarian on cavalry tried to stab him with a spear but with no avail, Stephanus grabbed the spear dismounting the rider. • The first team to dismount one of the opposing team's penguins with a jousting lance is declared the winner. lexico.com)