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 English thesaurus
att. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. attached
abbr., econ. to the attention (of)
att abbr.
abbr. attachment site
ATT abbr.
abbr., avia. air transportation tax; acceptance thermal test (testing); air traffic transponder; apply trim template; attach; attitude reference
abbr., el. abnormal true test; address translation table; alloy-type transistor; anti-torpedo torpedo; automatic test terminal; American Telephone and Telegraph Company; auto tape tension; automatic tape tension
abbr., med. aspirin tolerance time
abbr., mil. assign terminal type
abbr., mil., avia. accelerated test technique
energ.ind., abbr. automatic test tool
mil., abbr. Army training test; active threat table; advanced tactical transport; advanced technicians test; advanced training test; air training team; antitorpedo torpedo; automatic target tracking; average task time
tech., abbr. automatic turbine tester; avalanche transit time
Att abbr.
abbr. Attachment (UK)
abbr., oil attenuation; attenuator
att. abbr.
gen. attacca
att abbr.
abbr. attachment; attorney
ATT abbr.
abbr. Alt Toys Transformers; American Telephone & Telegraph (normally written AT&T when seperate)
abbr., avia. Atmautluak, Alaska USA; attitude (Interex)
abbr., busin. activity; attaché; attached
abbr., earth.sc. automatic tracking theodolite
abbr., el., scient. Attenuated
abbr., IT AT&T Group 4 file - Bitmap graphics; automatic toll ticketing
abbr., med. Athletic Therapy Today (periodical); Ammonia Tolerance Test (iwona); Air Tightness Testing (iwona)
abbr., media. Alabama Technology Today
abbr., mil. Advanced Tactical Transport; Advanced Transport Technology
abbr., oil accelerated test technology; attention; autoignition temperature test; auxiliary telemetry tool; average total time
abbr., pharma. abnormal toxicity test (Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., progr., IT ASCII Transformation Table
abbr., radio, scient. At This Time
abbr., scottish Advanced Technology Transport; Advanced Theater Transport (USAF); Artillery Tactical Terminals
abbr., space automatic attitude hold
abbr., st.exch. Ability To Trade
abbr., telecom. American Telephone & Telegraph Company; attendant
abbr., tradem. American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
abbr., transp. Advanced Transport Telematics
abbr., UN Arms Trade Treaty
mil. advance transport technology
tech. aerosol transport test
ATT. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. attachment
Att. abbr.
abbr. attorney
ATTC abbr.
abbr. American Telephone and Telegraph Co.