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wasps n
gen. Wespen f
zool. Hautflügler (Hymenoptera)
WASP [wɔsp] abbr.
abbr. White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
wasp [wɔsp] n
gen. Wespe f
emerg.care Wespe f
zool. rote Wespe (Paravespula rufa)
 English thesaurus
WASP [wɔsp] abbr.
abbr. We Are Sex Perverts; We Are Sexually Perverted; White American Suburban Professional; White Anglo Saxon Poorwhitetrash; White Anglo Saxon Protestant; White Anglo Saxon Protestants; Wigton Aspatria And Solway Plain; white Anglo-Saxon Protestant (MichaelBurov); Walk Ask Sniff And Pet; We Are Sexual Perverts; Web stAndardS Project (WWW, W3C); West Antarctic Streamline Project; Westinghouse Advanced Systems Planning; Wide Angle Search For Planets; Women Air Force Service Pilots of WWII; World Association of Societies of Anatomic Pathology
abbr., astr., scient. Wide Angle Search for Planets
abbr., avia. weightless analysis sounding probe; wide area special projectile; wide body airborne sensor platform; wire application of standard program
abbr., comp., net., IT Wireless Application Service Provider
abbr., earth.sc. Weather-Atmospheric Sounding Projectile
abbr., el. workshop analysis and scheduling program
abbr., inet. What A Sad Predicament
abbr., IT Write All Stored Passwords
abbr., law Wide Area Surveillance Projectile
abbr., med. Weber Advanced Spatial Perception (test); Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein; World Association For Social Psychiatry
abbr., mil. War Air Service Program; Washington Area Switch Procurement; When Arthur's Sword Prevailed; Women Air Service Pilots; war air service program
abbr., oil water sensor pod; water-alternating-steam process; wave adaptive semi-submersible platform; waveform and spectral analysis program
abbr., physiol. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol., med. Wiskott- Aldrich Syndrome Protein
abbr., progr., IT We Are Spectrum Programmers; Web Agent Support Program
abbr., radio AM-1130, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
abbr., relig. We Are Satan's People
abbr., scottish Weasel Attack Signal Processor; Wide Angle Stinger Pointer; Wide-Area Special Projectile (USAF)
abbr., sport. Worcestershire All Sports Partnership; World Aquanaut Security Patrol
abbr., tradem. Web Analysis Service Provider
meteorol. weather atmosphere sounding projectile
mil. wide-area special projectile; Williams aerial system platform; Women's Auxiliary Service platoon
Nasdaq Wasatch Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
tech. window atmosphere sounding-projectile
wasp [wɔsp] n
biol. oca (Vespa)
WASPS abbr.
abbr. World Acclaimed Special Psychic Soldiers; We Are Seriously Pissed Shooters
abbr., avia. wire shop automated standard and performance system
: 186 phrases in 10 subjects
Emergency medical care1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences11