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voice mail
gen. Sprachmitteilung f; Sprachnachricht f; Voicemail n
commun. akustische Telegramme; Sprachpost f
commun., IT Voice mail; Sprachspeicherdienst m
commun., IT, tech. Speicher- und Sprachpostdienste; Sprachmittelung f; Sprachspeicherdienste m; gesprochene Mittelung
comp., MS Voicemail n (A system that records and stores telephone messages in a user mailbox)
telecom. Sprachspeicher m
comp. Sprachpost f
 English thesaurus
voice mail
abbr., progr. voicemail (речевая почта ssn)
IT A system of storing messages in a private recording medium which allows the called party to later retrieve the messages
voice mail: 9 phrases in 2 subjects