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gen. Kröte; Unke
environ. Kröte
fig. Kröte
zool. Erdkröte
gen. Kröten; Unken
nat.res. Froschlurche
| frogs
gen. Herzstuecke

to phrases
toads n
gen. Kröten f; Unken n
nat.res. Froschlurche m (Anura, Salientia)
reptil. Echte Kröten (Bufo); Landkröten f (Bufo)
toad [təud] n
gen. Kröte f; Unke f
zool. Erdkröte f
toad Any anuran amphibian of the class Bufonidae, such as Bufo bufo of Europe. They are similar to frogs but are more terrestrial, having a drier warty skin n
environ. Kröte f
toad disgusting person n
fig. Kröte widerwärtige Person
 English thesaurus
TOAD [təud] abbr.
abbr. Ten On A Desk
abbr., astr. Tremendous Outburst Amplitude Dwarf (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., IT Toggle Only Actuated Device
abbr., el. terahertz optical asymmetrical demultiplexer
abbr., IT Tool For Oracle Application Development
abbr., mil. Take Over And Destroy; Tobyhanna Army Depot; Towed Off-board Active Decoy (U.K.)
abbr., scottish Towed Offboard Active Decoy
abbr., sport. Travel Outdoor Adventure Destinations
TOADS abbr.
abbr., progr., IT Tool For Oracle Application Development
toad: 241 phrases in 11 subjects
Amphibians and reptiles208
Life sciences1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences3