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noun | verb | to phrases
tap [tæp] n
gen. Abzweigung f; Anzapfung f; Hahn m (vom Fass); Spund m; Stromabnehmer m; Zapfen m; Zapfstelle f; abgreifen; abklopfen (Arzt); anzapfen (Telefonleitung); klopfen; mit einem Gewinde versehen; mit einem Zapfen oder Hahn versehen; Schlacke abstechen; Spannung abgreifen; Fass anstechen; Flüssigkeit abzapfen; Gewinde schneiden; abklopfen Arzt; Stepp tanzen; anklemmen; anzapfen Telefonleitung; mit einem Hahn versehen; mit einem Zapfen versehen; steppen; Tap m; pochen leise; tippen; Abzweigklemme f; abzweigen; Duebel m; Keil m; Pflock m; anschließen; erschließen (Rohstoffquellen etc.); erschließen Rohstoffquellen usw.; anstechen
amer. jdn. auswählen
brit. Wasserhahn m; Hahn m (Wasser-, Gas-); Wasserleitung f
busin., IT abhören; anzapfen
chem. Ausgießhahn m; zapfen (Latex an Bäumen)
commun. abhören (information, unauthorized); abzweigen (off); Abzweigung f (local line); Verzweiger m
comp. Abgreif m
comp., MS Tippen n (A gesture represented by placing a finger or stylus on the screen and then lifting it up)
construct. Wasserauslaufventil n; Wasseranschluß m
dril. Fangdorn n; Fangglocke f; Schraubentute f
el. Anschluß m
eng. Ventil n
fin. Daueremission n
industr., construct. Halbsohle f
inf. jdn. anpumpen um
IT, el. Tap-Anschluß m
mech.eng. Mutterbohrer m
med. Punktion f; punktieren
met. Gewindebohrer m; Abstich m; Guss m
met., el. Spannungsstufe f; Unterspannungsstufe f
mun.plan., mech.eng. Einstellglied n
nucl.phys. Hahn m; zapfen (let out); anzapfen (let out)
opt. Gewindeschneidbohrer m; Schneidbohrer m
refrig. Ablaßhahn m
rude flachlegen (Andrey Truhachev)
tech. Abgriff m; bohren; gewindebohren; lappen; Nase f; tupfen; Zapfhahn m; Abzweig m; Anzapfung f (ping); Transformatoranzapfung f; eindrehen; Abzweigrohr n; Rohrkrümmer m; Zweigrohr n; Kran m
telecom. abnehmen (voltage from amplifier, Spannung vom Verstärker)
to tap [tæp] n
agric. ein Fass anstechen; Anstecken des Füllfasses
earth.sc. entnehmen
met. Abstich m; abstechen; Roheisenabstich m; giessen; vergiessen; abgiessen
screw tap [tæp] n
gen. Gewindebohrer m
taps hand tools [tæps] n
gen. Gewindebohrer Handwerkzeuge
tap sb. [tæp] n
rude flachlegen (Andrey Truhachev)
taps parts of machines, engines or motors [tæps] n
gen. Hähne Maschinen- oder Motorenteile
taps faucets [tæps] n
gen. Hähne
tap Eton [tæp] n
brit. Schulbar f
tap-off; local line [tæp] n
commun. Abzweiger
tap [tæp] v
gen. pochen (leise)
commun. auskoppeln (power)
comp., MS tippen (To touch an item once with the tablet pen and then lift the pen quickly)
construct. anbohren; Gewinde bohren; abklopfen
econ. erschließen; anzapfen (Telefon); abfangen
emerg.care punktieren
meas.inst. abgreifen (off)
mining. vorbohren; entwässern; anzapfen (Standwasser); Kohle gewinnen (in einem neuen Revier)
taps [tæps] v
gen. klopft; steppt
 English thesaurus
TAP [tæp] abbr.
abbr. trace analysis program; trans-Arabian pipeline; Transistor Analysis Program; Technical Assistance Partnership; Technology Assistance Program; Thornton Adjustable Positioner; Training And Placement; Talent Ashland And Phoenix; Tape And Pipe; Targeted Access Program; Targeted Achievement Program; Teach And Assist Progress; Teacher Advisory Program; Teacher Assistance Program; Teachers As Partners; Team Achievement Points; Technological Assistance Program; Technology Application Panel; Teens Against Polio; Teens For Aids Prevention; Telecommunity Appalachian Project; Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol; Telocator Alphanumeric input Protocol (SNPP, PCIA, SMS, USA); Temporary Applicant Pool; Terminal Access Point (Kabel); Terrain Analysis Program; Terrible And Pathetic; Test of Achievement and Proficiency; The Ada Project; The Art Police; Theater Analysis and Planning; Theology And A Pub; Tip Associated Protein; To Agonize People; Tobacco Awareness Program; Tolerance Among People; Tool Application Program; Top Application Performers; Topic, Audience, Purpose; Total Audience Plan; Touch Activated Power; Toxicological Agent Protective; Toyota Assholes Priced; Trainer Activity Profile; Trainer Assessment Program; Training Access Point; Training Access Points; Training Achievement Program; Trans- Alaskan Pipeline; Transportation Adjudication Panel; Transporter For Antigen Processing; Travelers Property Casualty Corporation; Trinity Access Program; Tuition Account Plan; Twin Affinity Purification; tick anticoagulation peptide
abbr., auto. transmission adaptive pressure; tappet; throttle angle position
abbr., avia. terminal area productivity; technical area planning; temporary assembly procedure; terrestrial auxiliary power; test administration plan; transient acoustic propagation; Tapachula, Mexico; target approach point; Traffic Analysis Program
abbr., avia., med. target aiming function
abbr., biotechn. Tandem affinity purification (Altuntash); Tobacco Acid Pyrophosphatase (Altuntash)
abbr., busin. Technical Assistance Program
abbr., chem. temporal analysis of products (Izuminka2008)
abbr., comp. time-sharing accounting package
abbr., comp., MS task-based asynchronous pattern (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., comp., net. Terminal Access Point (webber)
abbr., corp.gov. temporary assistance pool
abbr., earth.sc. technical assistance panel
abbr., econ. United Nations Technical Assistance Program
abbr., ed. Teachers And Parents; Tests Of Achievement And Proficiency
abbr., ed., scient. Teacher Advisor Program; Technology Assurance Program; Tuition Assistance Program
abbr., el. target angular position; task allocation problem; TCP/IP access procedure; technology area plan; telemetry antenna pedestal; telephony application protocol; terminal access processor; terminal application package; test access path; test access port; test, assembly and packaging; thermally activated polarization; time-average-product; tracking alarm processor; transient analysis program; transport access point
abbr., el., scient. Test Access Point; Test Access Port
abbr., environ. Toxic Air Pollutant
abbr., EU. Temporary Abandonment Premium
abbr., file.ext. Tape file (Spectrum emulator, ZX Spectrum emulator Vosoni)
abbr., food.ind. The Amazing Pudding
abbr., genet. thio alkyl phosphoramidite
abbr., IT Tape file; Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol; Test Access Path; Transferred Account Procedure; Telocator Alphanumeric Paging; test access port
abbr., lab.eq. Transporter for Antigen Processing
abbr., med. Tarification À La Pathologie; thermostable alkaline phosphatase; The American Psychoanalyst (periodical); Toxicology And Applied Pharmacology (periodical); tricuspid annuloplasty (harser); transporter associated with antigen processing
abbr., mil. target approach point; Tactical Application Police; Technical Advisory Panel; Technology Assessment Program; The Army Plan; troopship
abbr., mil., air.def. transputer array processor
abbr., mil., avia. tapping
abbr., O&G Transadriatic Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (Financial Times Alex_Odeychuk); Alaska Oil Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Alaska Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Alaskan Oil Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Alaskan Pipeline (MichaelBurov); TAP pipeline (MichaelBurov); Trans Adriatic Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Trans Alaska Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Trans-Alaska Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Trans-Alaskan Oil Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Trans-Alaskan Pipeline (MichaelBurov); Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan pipeline (MichaelBurov); Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline; Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan pipeline (MichaelBurov); Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil LINE Trans-Arabian Pipeline (Company); take and pay; thermal analysis program; threshold ageing period; time-sharing assembly program; toxic air pollutant; Trans Arabian Pipeline; Trans-Alaska Pipeline; triallyl phosphate; true amplitude processing; tubing annulus pressure (andrushin)
abbr., opt. target angular position
abbr., org.name. Technical Assistance Programme
abbr., physiol., med. Tape
abbr., railw. Test and Adjustment plan (ZVI-73)
abbr., scottish Toxicological Agents Protective; Transition Assistance Program (USA)
abbr., space threshold aging period; total air pressure
abbr., telecom. test access point
abbr., transp. Take Another Plane; Total Audi Performance; Transportadora Aérea Portuguesa
energ.ind. task action plan; test analysis package; thermal analyzer program; transient assessment program
mil. table of authorized personnel; tactical action program; tactical armament plan; target aim point; target aircraft program; target assignment panel; technical advisory panel; technical area plan; technical assistance program; trajectory analysis program; transferable assets program
tech. target acquisition panel; telemetry acceptance pattern; telemetry antenna pedestal; thermally activated polarization; time-sharing assembly program; tracking alarms processor; transistor analysis program; triammonium phosphate
tap [tæp] n
mus. tapping
tap: 526 phrases in 53 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution8
American usage, not spelling3
Antennas and waveguides1
Automated equipment3
British usage, not spelling2
Cables and cable production1
Electric traction1
Electricity generation2
Energy industry1
Grass hockey1
Information technology2
International Monetary Fund1
Materials science5
Measuring instruments3
Mechanic engineering57
Medical appliances5
Municipal planning1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences1
Nuclear physics1
Oil / petroleum1
Oils and lubricants1
Optics branch of physics4
Weapons and gunsmithing2