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SU Soviet Union n
gen. Sowjetunion f
sU n
med. Thiouridin n
 English thesaurus
su. abbr.
abbr. supersonic
su abbr.
abbr., med., lat. sumat
.su n
file.ext. USSR (former)
SU abbr.
abbr. Soviet Union; Speak Up; Stand Up; Standard Units; Sundanese; Sunday; System User; Salt Lake City Field Office; Sampson University; Scan Udp; Screening Units; Seismic Unix; Selectable Unit; Sensitivity Unit; Signalling Unit; Sorceress University; Station Units; Storage Unit; Straight Up; Student Union; Suck Up; Sum Of Units; supersonic; Supplemented Unit; Switch Users; Syne Unit; Syntax Unit
abbr., avia. Aeroflot; sonics and ultrasonics; Aeroflot -Russian International Airlines
abbr., comp., net., IT Simultaneous Users
abbr., ed., scient. Salisbury University; Stanford University
abbr., el. secondary user; segment unit; sensibility unit; series unit; service usage; setup; signature unit; slave unit; sole user; station unit; subscriber unit; supervision unit; system unit
abbr., fin. Strategy and Planning Unit
abbr., genet. sister union
abbr., inet. Single User
abbr., IT Service Unlimited; Set User; Specified User; Substitute User; Super User; Switch User
abbr., med. Salicyluric Acid; sensation unit; sterile unit
abbr., mil. Special Unitary; search unit; situational understanding
abbr., mil., air.def. signal-initiated jamming; supporting unit
abbr., mil., avia. sensing unit
abbr., nautic., scient. Sea Urchin
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. service unit (support for Protective Services)
abbr., O&G, sakh. start-up
abbr., oil standard unit; undrained shear strength
abbr., pest.contr. ULV suspension
abbr., polit. Sudan
abbr., polym. spray up (bajituka)
abbr., progr. semantic unit (ssn)
abbr., relig. Scripture Union
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Egypt); System Upgrade
abbr., st.exch. Suncor Energy, Inc.
abbr., stat. sampling unit
abbr., transp. Speed Up
Apollo-Soyuz stabilization unit
energ.ind. step up
meteorol. snow intensity unknown
mil. screening unit; senior umpire; signal unit; supply unit; support unit; supported unit; switching unit
mil., abbr. service unit
O&G stand-by unit
tech. set-up; sight unit; signaling unit; strontium unit; subunit; system unavailability
tradem. Sage
Su abbr.
abbr. sulfur; sulfurous
abbr., med. sulfonamide
mil. Sukhoi (Soviet aircraft manufacturer)
Su. abbr.
abbr. Sunday
SU abbr.
abbr. Saybolt universal seconds; support; surface-to-underwater; Syracuse University
abbr., busin. suite
abbr., chem. sulfonyl urea
abbr., comp. symbolic unit
abbr., desert. stock unit
abbr., dril. subtract
abbr., earth.sc. streamline upwinding; subject; sugary; Sulawesi; summer
abbr., O&G, tengiz. Substation Подстанция (Substation (Unit 3300) in Unit 4600: 54-SU-3301: 015-0000-ITM-SPE-FGP-000-00003-00_L01 Требования к нумерации и кодировке. ТЕНГИЗШЕВРОЙЛ dvsnew)
abbr., oil sonic isolation joint; separation unit; servo unit; set up; sigma unit; surface unit
abbr., pharma. Sending Unit (Wakeful dormouse)
: 30 phrases in 4 subjects
High energy physics25