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gen. Bach; Fluss; Strömung; flattern; laufen; flattern
| sediment
gen. Ablagerung
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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
stream [stri:m] n
gen. Bach m; Fluss m; flattern (Haare, Bänder etc. im Wind); laufen (Tränen); flattern; Zustrom von Menschen; fließen; quellen (out of); rinnen; Leistungsgruppe f; Wasserlauf m; laufen Tränen; strömen; Stromgröße f; herausfließen aus (out of)
agric., construct. Bewaesserungszufluss m
AI. Strom m (von Daten)
chem. Strom m (Flüssigkeit)
commun. Folge f (bits)
comp. Strom m
comp., MS Datenstrom m (Digital media that is delivered in a continuous flow across a network); Streaming m (Digital media that is delivered in a continuous flow across a network)
construct. fließendes Gewässer
econ. Gewässer n; Lauf m; Gang m (z.B. von Ereignissen)
equest.sp. Wassergraben m
fin., pharma., transp. Fluß (Bewegung; Luftstroemung f
hydraul. Strahl m
life.sc. Stroemung f; fliessendes Gewässer; Fliessgewässer
met. Giessstrahl m; Guss m
microel. Strom m (z. B. von Daten, Befehlen)
nat.res. großer Fluß
tech. quellen; Bündel n; Fluß m; Strömung f
streams n
gen. strömt
AI. Historienfolge f
environ. Fließgewässer n
stream of water [stri:m] n
gen. Fließgewässer n
streaming [stri:m] n
gen. Strömung f
stream! n
gen. quill!
stream [stri:m] v
mining. waschen (Erz); schlämmen; läutern
tech. entströmen; fliegen; fluten
stream [stri:m] adj.
comp., MS streamen (To transfer digital data in a continuous flow across a network); Stream (Packets delivered by a Windows Media server that are consumed by clients without caching. For a Web server with Smooth Streaming installed, the experience is similar, except that the data can be cached by clients, though this can be prevented by applying Cache Control header directives in the Smooth Streaming feature)
tech. nachströmen
 English thesaurus
STREAM [stri:m] abbr.
abbr. standardized treatment regimen of antituberculosis drugs for patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
abbr., el. scheme language for formally describing digital circuits
abbr., mil. standard tensioned replenishment alongside method
abbr., nautic., scient. Salmon Trout Restoration Education and Aquatic Management
stream sediment: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Earth sciences1