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noun | noun | noun | verb | to phrases
sticks n
forestr. Knüppel m; Knüppelholz n; Knüttel m; Prügelholz n
"sticks" n
grass.hock. Stockfehler m
stick [stɪk] n
gen. Stick Schlagzeug; Stück n; befestigen; Stiel m (Besen-); Stock m; Schläger m; Stift m ([meist dicker] Kosmetikstift, z. B. Lippenstift, Deostift); stich!; er/sie hat/hatte gestochen; ich/er/sie stach; ich/er/sie stäche; legen; setzen; stecken; er sticht; kleben bleiben; klebenbleiben an; haften (to); haften bleiben (to); binden (Abbinden von Klebstoff); sich festklammern (an); anhängen; stellen; bedient sein; binden Abbinden von Klebstoff; sich festklammern an
agric. Gerte f; Rute f; Schoß m; Ausschlag m
astronaut., transp. Steuerknüppel m; Kontrolhebel n; Steuerhebel m
chem. Stiel m
construct. dünner Pfahl; Stab m (Messstab); Stabelektrode f
forestr. Stengel m
hobby, transp., avia. Springergruppe f; Springerreihe f; Sprungtrupp m
hockey. Stock m (Hockeystock)
inf. picken österr.; Schalthebel m
mining. Sprengstoffpatrone f; Patrone m; Löffelstiel m
nucl.phys. Aufkleben
social.sc. Jay m; Joint m; Muggle
tech. festkleben; hängen; Knüppel m; Pflock m; Spazierstock m; Stab m; Stange f; stecken bleiben; Steg m; strecken; verkleben; festhängen; festsitzen; feststecken; haften; heften
telecom. anbringen (label, Aufkleber n anbringen)
textile Ankleben
to stick [stɪk] n
gen. einfrieren; festlaufen; verklemmen
biol. stechen
earth.sc., transp. kleben
footwear zusammenkleben
"stick" n
athlet. festhalten (to the opponent, am Gegner); anhängen (to the opponent)
stick baton [stɪk] n
gen. Taktstock m
sticks n
gen. Stöcke m
stick [stɪk] n
chem. haften (kleben); kleben
sticks v
gen. haftet; klebt
stick [stɪk] v
gen. haftenbleiben an; auf (to)
econ. anschlagen; ankleben (z.B. Plakate); bleiben; sich widmen
econ., inf. prellen; hereinlegen
emerg.care stechen (Nadel)
mech.eng. Spitze
mining. festgehen; sich verklemmen (z. B. Meißel)
phys. anhaften
tech. klemmen; pappen
sticking ['stɪkɪŋ] v
anim.husb., food.ind. Entbluten n
industr., construct., met. Anpicken
 English thesaurus
sticks n
inf., contempt. rural areas far from cities or civilization (the sticks: He felt hard done by living out in the sticks • If it were out in the sticks, in a provincial town, this place would do a roaring trade. • In this particular collection he tells the story of a young boy who moves to Astro City from out in the sticks, and ends up becoming a sidekick to a superhero, The Confessor. • True, possibly, though my experience of living out in the sticks is that the emergency services are geared to coping adequately with the distances. • I'm sure the good folks out in the sticks have known plenty of rich metropolitans in their day. • I have one, can't manage out in the sticks without one, but I have absolutely no interest in them beyond that. • The little festival out in the sticks had been catering to the same loyal bunch of bluegrass fanatics for the previous 14 years and doing a fine job of it. • Most of them are based out in the sticks, as it were. • She is now living out in the sticks so she only works two days a week. • Out in the sticks, another shop owner refines her strategy for coping. • Out in the sticks last weekend, the sheep looked like shrivelled prunes on legs. • You get people like this, groupings like this, and almost, cafes like this when you live out in the sticks. • The people who twenty years ago would have bought a big suburban house are now out in the sticks. • We people who live out in the sticks have a better idea of what could potentially happen, we can foresee the trap. • Two bus-rides and a walk in the rain later we found the old dairy farm, muttering under our breaths about the wisdom of locating such an establishment way out in the sticks. • It was a bit of a drag not getting a lift back, as the yard was out in the sticks on an old farm-site, but he was being well paid and a two-mile walk back into Hemel Hempstead was no big deal. • We managed to hire a 30 ft fibreglass boat which surprised us as we'd expected something a little less grand this far out in the sticks. • Some of them were really out in the sticks only a few yards from the Old Sea Bank, just a short mud bath away from The Wash. • If you live out in the sticks or are after specialised items of tackle then mail order is the answer. • Now it seems issues can start in the sticks and land on Westminster's doorstep, fully formed. lexico.com)
stick [stɪk] n
mil., logist. A number of paratroopers who jump from the same aperture or door of an aircraft during one run over a drop zone. (FRA)
: 690 phrases in 71 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution3
American usage, not spelling9
British usage, not spelling10
Earth sciences12
Emergency medical care2
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal2
Fish farming pisciculture6
Food industry10
Grass hockey5
Health care5
Hobbies and pastimes5
Human rights activism1
Ice hockey6
Immigration and citizenship2
Information technology2
Labor law1
Life sciences3
Materials science4
Measuring instruments2
Mechanic engineering26
Medical appliances6
Municipal planning1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation4
Natural sciences3
Oils and lubricants5
Optics branch of physics1
Scuba diving1
Social science1
Table tennis1
Textile industry5
Weapons and gunsmithing5