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source document
gen. Originalbeleg m
busin., IT Eingabebeleg m
comp. Primärbeleg m
comp., MS Herkunftsbeleg m (The business documents that trigger a warehouse activity, such as a sales order that triggers an activity to pick an item from inventory); Quelldokument n (The document where a linked or embedded object was originally created)
econ. Ursprungsdokument n
IT Originaldokument n; Ausgangsdokument n; Ausgangsunterlage f; Urbeleg m
tech. Original n; Ursprungsbeleg m
work.fl. Belege m; Beweisstücke n
 English thesaurus
source document
IT The form used to record data that have been captured (A source document may be a piece of paper, a turnaround document or an image displayed for online data input)
source document
: 3 phrases in 1 subject