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soliloquy [sə'lɪləkwɪ] n
gen. Selbstgespräch n; Monolog m; Zwiegespräch mit sich selbst
 English thesaurus
soliloquy [sə'lɪləkwɪ] n
lit. A monologue spoken by a character who believes himself to be alone during the scene. The device, usually employed in Elizabethan theatre, often exposes a character's innermost thoughts, state of mind, motives or intentions. As such the soliloquy imparts essential but otherwise unattainable information to the audience. The dramatic convention dictates that whatever is said in a soliloquy must be true, or at least true as far as the character speaking is concerned. Well-known examples come from Shakespeare's work, for instance speeches by Iago in Othello.