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SMP [ˌesem'piː] abbr.
comp. symmetrische Mehrfachverarbeitung
 English thesaurus
smp [ˌesem'piː] abbr.
IT sampler
.smp abbr.
file.ext. Sample (file name extension)
SMP [ˌesem'piː] abbr.
abbr. Smoke More Pot; Solutions Made Pocketable; Sounds Of Mass Production; Symmetric Multiple Penguins; Synchronous Membership Program; System Marginal Price; Systems Management Policy; Scanning Microscope Photometer; sensitized material print; Software Motion Picture (DEC); sound motion picture; Soviet Military Power (the publication); Stupid Money Pit; Switching Module Processor; Symbolic Manipulation Program; Symmetric Multi-Processor; Symmetric MultiProcessor (system, SMP); School Milk Programme (shpak_07); 1. The UK Political Force: the Silent Majority Party ‒ (Evgeny Shamlidi)
abbr., avia. Safety Management Plan; structure maintenance programmer; structural modification program; shape memory polymer; software management plan; standard maintenance program (procedure); standard manufacturing program; standard measurement program; stores management panel; stores management process; system management program; system manufacturing plan; Systems Management Processor (ВосьМой)
abbr., busin. safety management process (Е. Тамарченко, 03.05.2017 Евгений Тамарченко); sample; semi-manufactured products
abbr., chem. long-acting sulfonamides
abbr., clin.trial. Safety Management Plan (kreecher)
abbr., commun. Service Management Point (IN)
abbr., comp., net. Simple Management Protocol; symmetrical multiple processor; symmetrical multiprocessing
abbr., earth.sc. salt management potential; sludge management program; soil matric potential; South Mongolia Plate; specific mineral productivities; symmetrically multiprocessing
abbr., econ. significant market power (Alexander Oshis); social marginal productivity
abbr., ed. Special Milk Program
abbr., ed., scient. Synthesis And Modeling Project
abbr., el. symmetric multiprocessing (computer); self-measurement program; service management platform; shared memory multiprocessor architecture; shared memory pool; signaling management processor; signal microprocessor; single-mode probability; software maintenance programming; special maintenance project; standard manufacturing procedure; surface magnetoplasmon polariton; surface mounted package; system maintenance procedure; symbol manipulation program
abbr., file.ext. Program; Samplevision File (Samplevision Vosoni); Symbolic Manipulation; Symmetric Multiprocessor; Symmetrical Multi-Processing
abbr., fin. Securities Markets Programme (a precursor to OMT with less pre-conditions for activation x741); Securities Markets Program; staff-monitored program; staff monitored program; Senior Medicare Patrol program
abbr., food.ind. Small Meat Pizza; skim milk powder (Игорь_2006); Slip Melting Point (жиров hellamarama)
abbr., HF.electr. subminiature push-on; surface-mount package
abbr., insur. special multi-peril program
abbr., IT SaMPleVision Sound; Shared Memory Parallel; Simultaneous Multi Processing; Symmetric Multi Processing; System Modification Program; symmetric multi-processing (MichaelBurov); symmetric multiprocessing (MichaelBurov); symmetrical multi-processing (MichaelBurov); symmetrical multiprocessing (MichaelBurov); service management point; session management protocol
abbr., med. Safety Monitoring Program (Mumma); slowest moving protease; standard medical procedure/practice
abbr., mil. Simultaneous Membership Program; Symmetrical Multiprocessor; sub-motor pool
abbr., mil., air.def. standard message packed
abbr., mil., avia. soldier modernization plan
abbr., mil., WMD Site Monitoring Plan
abbr., milk. skimmed milk powder
abbr., O&G Single Point Mooring (MichaelBurov); VPU (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. structural, mechanical piping (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil sodium metaphosphate; servo meter panel; shape-memory remembered polymer; sorbitan monopalmitate; surface memory probes
abbr., pharm. sulfamethoxypyridazine
abbr., polit. Sex, Money, Power; Slow Migratory Propaganda
abbr., progr., IT Sco's Misappropriated Printdrivers
abbr., qual.cont. semi-Markov process
abbr., scottish Self Maintenance Period; Signature Management Program; Stores Management Processor; Surface Mine Plough (UK)
abbr., space sintered metal powder; strategic master plan; system management processor
abbr., sport. Skiers Must Perish
abbr., st.exch. Standard Motor Products, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Shoemaker Maclean And Pratt; Spider Monkey Productions
agric. Sucrose Monopalmitate
ecol. soluble microbial products
mil. scheduled maintenance program; ship maintenance planning data; standard maintenance procedure; standards, methods, and planning; summary maneuver plan; systems maintenance procedure; systems monitoring panel
stat. system of material production
tech. simulator modification package; symmetric multiprocessing structure
telecom., IT Symmetric Multiprocessing
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