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gen. Schiff; befördern; Hausratte; ausgeliefert werden
ichtyol. Blaudick; Dick; Glattdick; Glattstör; Schip
transp. nautic. seegehendes Schiff
| to-ship
 to ship
econ. amer. liefern
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
ship [ʃɪp] n
gen. Schiff n; befördern; ausgeliefert werden Produkt
econ. transportieren (Am auch für Landtransporte); Übersee verkehr befrachten; abladen; anheuern; anmustern (z.B. Matrosen)
ichtyol. Blaudick m (Acipenser nudiventris); Dick m (Acipenser nudiventris); Glattdick m (Acipenser nudiventris); Glattstör m (Acipenser nudiventris); Schip m (Acipenser nudiventris)
law, ADR stores Schiffsvorräte; Vorräte an Bord
life.sc., fish.farm. Glattdick m (Acipenser nudiventris); Dick m (Acipenser nudiventris)
pack. verladen
sport. Boot n
transp., nautic. seegehendes Schiff
weap. liefern
ships n
gen. Schiffe Seeschiffe; Schiffe n
ship Rattus rattus [ʃɪp] n
gen. Hausratte f
ship A vessel propelled by engines or sails for navigating on the water, especially a large vessel that can not be carried aboard another, as distinguished from a boat [ʃɪp] n
environ. Schiff n
insurance ships sea, lake and river and canal vessels n
insur., transp. See-, Binnensee- und Flussschiffahrts-Kasko; See-, Binnensee- und Flussschiffahrts-Kaskoversicherung
ships sea, lake and river and canal vessels n
insur., transp. See-, Binnensee- und Flussschifffahrts-Kasko
ship [ʃɪp] v
gen. ausliefern Produkt; expedieren Waren; abfertigen; einschiffen; spedieren; verschicken; verschiffen
book. zum Versand bringen
busin., IT versenden (von Waren)
commun. absenden
law, ADR Überseeverkehr abladen
social.sc. heuern
tech. versenden; senden; ausliefern Teile (parts)
transp. an Bord nehmen (bringen); verladen (bes. амер. auch für Landtransporte); befrachten; Seeleute anmustern
shipped v
gen. verschiffte
busin. verschifft
 English thesaurus
ship [ʃɪp] abbr.
abbr. shipment; s
mil., abbr. sh
SHIP [ʃɪp] abbr.
abbr. Golden Energy Marine Corporation; Safe Home Income Plans; Self Help Ideas And Plans; State Health Insurance Assistance Program; State Housing Initiative Partnership; State Housing Initiative Program; Sustainable Housing Innovation Partnership
abbr., comp., net., IT Simple Host Information Protocol
abbr., ed. Self Help Initiatives Project
abbr., ed., scient. Student Health Insurance Plan; Student High Interest Program
abbr., el. standard hardware interface program
abbr., gyrosc. "Small Hardened Inertial Platform"
abbr., Makarov. ship meteorological report
abbr., meteorol. Senior Health Insurance Program
abbr., mil., avia. shipment
abbr., oil surface weather report from ship
abbr., relig. Shepherd's Hill Information Person
meteorol. surface report from ship in full form or in abbreviated form
mil. self-help issue point; short-range impact point; special handling inventory procedure
SHiP [ʃɪp] abbr.
abbr., nucl.phys. Search for Hidden Particle (проект CERN http://ship.web.cern.ch/ship/ ilghiz)
nucl.phys. Search for Hidden Particles (проект CERN http://ship.web.cern.ch/ship/ ilghiz)
ship. abbr.
abbr., commer. shipment
ship-to-ship: 34 phrases in 12 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Information technology3
International trade2
Mineral products1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1