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service module ['sɜ:vɪs'mɔdju:l]
tech. Betriebseinheit f; Wartungsfeld n; Geraetekapsel mit Antriebsraketen (zum Ansteuern und Verlassen einer Umlaufbahn)
Service Module ['sɜ:vɪs'mɔdju:l]
biol. Versorgungs- und Geräteteil
Service module ['sɜ:vɪs'mɔdju:l]
comp., MS Modul "Service" (The Microsoft CRM module used to access business records pertaining to customer service, such as cases, accounts, contacts, contracts, and the Knowledge Base Manager (KB Manager). In this module, users can open and resolve cases, create and view service contracts, and create and manage information in the Knowledge Base)
 English thesaurus
Service Module ['sɜ:vɪs'mɔdju:l]
NASA, abbr. SM (Apollo)
service module
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects