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agric. Versorgung; Versicherung
chem. Gewährleistung
econ. Verpfändung; Unterpfand
fin. Valor; Bürge; Titel
IMF. Effekten
proj.manag. Eigentumssicherheit
| and
gen. sowie
| access control system
 access control system
gen. Zugangskontrollsystem
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | to phrases
security [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] n
gen. Versatzstück österr.; Bürgschaft f; Geborgenheit f; Pfand n; Sicherheitspfand n; Sicherung f; Gewissheit f
agric. Kreditpapier n
austrian Versatzstück n
busin., IT Arbeitsplatzsicherheitjob m; Sicherheit f (Schutz vor Gefahren, die von Personen ausgehen)
chem. Sicherheitspersonal n
commun., el. Alarmanlage f
commun., IT Verteidigung f
comp., MS IT-Sicherheit m (Protection of a computer system and its data from harm or loss); Sicherheit f (Protection of a computer system and its data from harm or loss)
econ. Kaution f
fin. Sicherheit f (keine Gefahr); Pfandrecht n; Wertschrift f; Kreditsicherung f; Wertpapier n (SergeyL); Papier n
IT DV-Sicherheit; IT-Sicherheit m
law Deckung f; Sicherheitsleistung f
market. hinterlegte Sicherheit; Garantiesumme f; Hinterlegung f
tech. Absicherung f; Gewähr f; Werkschutz m; Sicherheit f (personalprotection)
transp., avia. Schutz m
securities n
econ. Wertpapier n
fin. Wertschriftenertrag m; Ertrag der Wertschriften
fin., account. börsenfähiges Wertpapier
market., fin. Wertschriftenportefeuille n
security of an electric power system [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] n
el. dynamische Versorgungssicherheit eines Elektrizitätsversorgungssystems
Securities n
fin. Wertschriften n
security bank. [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] n
gen. Wertschrift f
Security [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] n
IT Sicherheit f
security [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
agric. Versorgung; Versicherung
chem. Gewährleistung
construct. Sicherheit (z.B. vor Einbruch)
econ. Verpfändung; Unterpfand; Schutz (against, from vor); Garantie
fin. Valor; Bürge; Titel
proj.manag. Eigentumssicherheit
security of an electric power system [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
reliabil. dynamische Funktionsfähigkeit eines Elektrizitätsversorgungssystems
security finance [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
IMF. Effekten
 English thesaurus
security [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
mil., abbr. scty; sec; secy; sy
mil., logist. All measures, procedures and assets aimed at protecting friendly personnel and equipment from the effects of our own weapons. 2. The condition achieved when designated information, materiel, personnel, activities and installations are protected against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. 3. The measures necessary to achieve protection against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. 4. The organizations responsible for protecting against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. (FRA)
USA Measures taken by a military unit, activity, or installation to protect itself against all acts designed to, or which may, impair its effectiveness (JP 3-10) see also national security; A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences (JP 3-10) see also national security; With respect to classified matter, the condition that prevents unauthorized persons from having access to official information that is safeguarded in the interests of national security (JP 2-0) see also national security
security in intelligence terms [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
mil., logist. Situation characterized by the satisfactory protection of information and equipment against espionage and sabotage, as well as the protection of personnel against subversion. Those measures necessary to obtain this result. FRA
security and
: 395 phrases in 45 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling1
Criminal law3
Energy industry1
European Union5
Food industry2
Foreign trade16
Health care1
Hobbies and pastimes1
Human rights activism5
Immigration and citizenship3
Information technology8
International law2
Labor law1
Materials science3
Non-governmental organizations2
Nuclear physics1
Obsolete / dated20
Research and development2
Security systems1
Social science11
Trade unions1
United Nations7