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sadder adj.
gen. trauriger
SAD [sæd] adj.
fin. Sector Adjustment Loan; Sektoranpassungsdarlehen
social.sc. SIV/ASIV; Schweizerischer Invalidenverband
sad [sæd] adj.
gen. bedauerlich; betrübt über (at; about); schlimm; schmerzlich; traurig; bekümmert; betrüblich; schwermütig
tech. jämmerlich; traurig
saddest adj.
gen. traurigste; am traurigsten
 English thesaurus
SAD [sæd] abbr.
abbr. Seasonal Affective Disorder (- Look, he's scribbling another suicide note - It's gotta be SAD Taras); Sandawe; Single Administrative Document; Single Awareness Day; Socrates Action Day; Solar Array Deployment; Special Assessment District; Surprise And Delight; Seasonal Adjustment Disorder; Serial Analog Delay; Sexy Angelic Diva; Silicone Avalanche Diode; Silly And Disruptive; Simple Anxiety Defect; simple, average or difficult; single administration document (bel_linguist); Single Available And Desperate; Smart Ack Dropper; Soul Assassin Demon; Space Artillery Drill; Stone Age Designs; Stoned And Drugged; Students Affairs Department; Summons Alert Days; Supply Action Date; Swallow Arrival Day; Systems Analysis And Design
abbr., archit., scient. School of Architecture and Design
abbr., audit. summary of audit differences (BelobraAP)
abbr., auto. safety advisor of drive; secondary air diverter
abbr., avia. site air defense; system analysis document
abbr., bus.styl. source-axis distance (Katejkin)
abbr., clin.trial. single ascending dose (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. silicon avalanche diode; safety, arming and destruct; selected area diffusion; selected area electron diffraction (pattern); semiconductor anticoincidence detector; signal azimuth display; silicon alloy diffused; small angle diffraction; special adapter device; speech activity detection; stand-alone device; status advisory display; structured analysis diagram
abbr., el., scient. Selected Area Diffraction; Silicon Avalanche Diode; System Analysis Design
abbr., food.ind. Standard American Diet
abbr., IT Strategic Accelerator Design; Systems Analysis and Design; System Design Automation
abbr., math., scient. Sum of Absolute Differences
abbr., med. Sociedad Argentina De Dermatología; Sugar, Acetone, And Diacetic Acid; seasonal affective disorder; source-axis distance (source-axis distance; http://portal.tpu.ru/departments/otdel/publish/catalog/2010/metod_2010/avtor/osnov_luchevoy_ter_zac.pdf GhostLibrarian); short axis diameter (4uzhoj); street-Alabama-Dufferin; sugar and acetone determination
abbr., media. Singles Awareness Day
abbr., mil. Search And Destroy; Scenario Authoring Device (Netherlands)
abbr., mil., avia. saddle
abbr., nucl.phys. shelled activation detector
abbr., opt. selected area diffraction
abbr., org.name. Societe des Artistes Decorateurs
abbr., physiol. Seasonal Allergy Distress; Situational Affected Depression
abbr., physiol., med. Seasonal Affected Disorder; Social Anxiety Disorder; Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
abbr., polit. Special Activities Division (Taras)
abbr., psychiat. seasonal affective disorder (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Safe & Arm Device; Site Air Defence; Situation Awareness Display; Submarine Anomaly Detector
abbr., sec.sys., IT Security Association Database
abbr., tradem. Sadi S. p. A.; Shapes And Designs
mil. Sacramento Army depot; safety analysis diagram; safety analysis document; safety, arming, and destruct; safety-and-arming device; service action drawing; site activation division; situation attention display; station address directory; support air direction; survival assistance director; sympathetic aerial detonation; system allocation document
tech. safety and arming device; safety and assessment department; safety assurance diagram; ship acoustics department; solar array drive; supply air duct; systems automation division; systems, assistant director
Sad [sæd] abbr.
abbr. saddler
: 20 phrases in 8 subjects
Amphibians and reptiles2
Dog breeding1
Foreign trade1